In 1493, Spain and Portugal got Pope Alexander VI to literally divide the world between them, a settlement adjusted slightly in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494. This basically gave the Western Hemisphere to Spain and the Eastern to Portugal. For the next century, this is pretty much how ...
The Invasion of Spanish honey bee colonies into Portugal. The other side (Part IV)Pífano, J
his or her spouse, and members of the Spanish royal family attend the Solemn Opening of the Cortes Generales. They are accompanied to the Palacio de las Cortes by the Royal Escort Squadron, the cavalry unit of theSpanish Royal Guard.
Inthelate1400’smanycountriesbegantoexplore.TheyincludedPortugal,Spain,France,andEngland.Explorationcouldleadtonewwealth.Undertheideaofmercantilism,themorewealthacountrypossessesthemorepoweritcouldgain.ThepowerstruggleforNorthAmericaexistedbetweenFrance,Spain,andEngland.TheKeyPlayers…KingPhilipIIof Spain ...
In 1580 Santa Cruz commanded thefleetthat aided the Duke de Alba’s conquest ofPortugal. Three years later, at theSecond Battle of Terceira, Santa Cruz defeated a superior French naval squadron sent unofficially to support a rebellion in theAzoresagainstPhilip II, the Spanish king. His victory...
During his reign the Spanish empire attained its greatest power, extent, and influence, though he failed to suppress the revolt of the Netherlands (beginning in 1566) and lost the “Invincible Armada” in the attempted invasion of England (1588). Early life and marriages 1 of 2 Titian: ...
1580–98), champion of theRoman CatholicCounter-Reformation. During his reign the Spanish empireattainedits greatest power, extent, and influence, though he failed to suppress the revolt of theNetherlands(beginning in 1566) and lost the “Invincible Armada” in the attempted invasion ofEngland(1588...