Spanish Inquisition (1478–1834), judicial institution ostensibly established to combat heresy in Spain. In practice, the Spanish Inquisition served to consolidate power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom, but it achieved that end throu
List of important facts about the Spanish Inquisition, judicial institution first authorized in 1478, ostensibly to combat heresy, or dissent, from Roman Catholic teachings and beliefs in Spain. The institution served to consolidate power in the Spanish
(loss of one parent included) la Iglesia - the Church el ingenio - wit la Inquisición - the Inquisition el materialismo - materialism el mendigo - beggar la mentira - lie el monje/la monja - monk/nun la moral - morality el móvil/motivo - motive el mozo—boy, sevant la oración - ...
.In 1791, and again in 1792, a census was ordered throughout theviceroyalty by ViceroyCondedeRevillagigedo. The actual returns came in during 1791 - 1794. PREFACE This pamphlet has been compiled in response to the need for a handy, lightweight dictionary of Colonial terms to use while readi...
El hereje (1998; The Heretic), perhaps his masterpiece, depicts the abuse of power by the Spanish Inquisition. Elena Quiroga, a conscientious stylist, experimented with varying forms and themes, employing a dead protagonist in Algo pasa en la calle (1954; “Something’s Happening in the ...
Lima developed into the centre of wealth and power for the entire viceroyalty: as the seat of the audiencia (high court), it administered royal justice; and, being the headquarters in the viceroyalty of the Inquisition, it pronounced on religious and moral matters. It also became the site of...
El hereje (1998; The Heretic), perhaps his masterpiece, depicts the abuse of power by the Spanish Inquisition. Elena Quiroga, a conscientious stylist, experimented with varying forms and themes, employing a dead protagonist in Algo pasa en la calle (1954; “Something’s Happening in the ...
El hereje (1998; The Heretic), perhaps his masterpiece, depicts the abuse of power by the Spanish Inquisition. Elena Quiroga, a conscientious stylist, experimented with varying forms and themes, employing a dead protagonist in Algo pasa en la calle (1954; “Something’s Happening in the ...
El hereje (1998; The Heretic), perhaps his masterpiece, depicts the abuse of power by the Spanish Inquisition. Elena Quiroga, a conscientious stylist, experimented with varying forms and themes, employing a dead protagonist in Algo pasa en la calle (1954; “Something’s Happening in the ...