Learn to speak Spanish fast with this practical and entertaining course for beginners. Learn to speak Spanish in three short months with Hugo's world-renowned book and CD pack. Practise regularly using the three 70-minute CDs and book and you'll learn to understand and speak Spanish faster th...
DK Spanish in three months 配套音频,一共三个CD。CD1有37条音频,CD2有32条音频,CD3有29条音频,已经按顺序排好,可以放心收听。个别音频缺失,我也没办法,源文件如此。 声音(95)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 1 Track 1 1172022-04 2 Track 2 2422022-04 3 Track 3 1012022-04 4 Track 4 862022-04 5 Track ...
At three months old, the youngster is starting to explore. Con tres meses, el jovencito está empezando a explorar. He was adopted by a nurse at three months old. Fue adoptado por una enfermera a los tres meses. We adopted our first child when he was three months old. Hemos adoptado ...
SpanishVida - The latest Spanish news in English from around Spain, national news, local news, legal updates, lifestyle, and features for living in Spain.
Also, note thatunlike in English, the names of the months are notcapitalizedin Spanish (except at the beginning of a sentence or composition title). Three months haveadjectiveforms:abrileño(pertaining to April),marzal(pertaining to March), andagosteño(pertaining to August). Example:Las lluvi...
The seasons in Spanish Now that you know the months in Spanish, let’s explore the four seasons! Spring –Primavera[pree-mah-beh-rah] Summer –Verano[beh-rah-no] Fall (or autumn) –Otoño[oh-toh-nyo] Winter –Invierno[een-vyeh-rno] ...
The proactive role of women in sexuality has been socially invisible, especially in regard to pornography use. For this reason, this study aims to explore Spanish women’s sexual experiences regarding viewing, arousal, and discomfort as perceived by different types of pornography and based on the ...
Speak Spanish in Four Days: Day ThreeWhen Martyn returned for his third day of Spanish, I was expecting him to be looking cheerful. “He'll have enjoyed the break,” I thought. I hoped he’d have bits of Spanish playing hide-and-seek in his head, and he'd be looking forward to ...
three months.我学西班牙语已经三个月了。3、The Spanish conquered the New World in the sixteenth century.西班牙人在16世纪征服了新大陆。4、Italian and Spanish are kindred languages.意大利和西班牙的语言起源是相同的。5、The man is a sixteenth Spanish navigator.那个人是十六世纪的航海家。
and next from San Sebastian best director winner Javier Rebollo (“Woman Without Piano”). Turning on Lumière camera operator Gabriel Veyre who traveled to shoot Morocco for three months in 1900 but remained for his lifetime, “Close to the Sultan” is produced by Paraiso Production, Sideral,...