2. stand for (put up with): stand for usu with neg consentir stand for usu with neg tolerar I won't stand for it any longer! ¡no lo pienso consentir or tolerar ni un minuto más! take for VB [ teɪk -, teɪk -] (v + o + prep + o) take for tomar...
"I have finished shooting for the film. We shot the entire film in London. It was a great crew and I am happy that I have made the right decision," Yami told Ians.Directed by E. Niwas and produced by Neeraj Pandey, "Aman Ki Aasha" may come out during monsoon.-*-Divya burning....
Keiran Lee’s been in a coma for three weeks, and the whole time, his Doctor, Bridgette B, has eagerly been waiting for him to wake up, one eye on his huge cock. As soon as he recovered, Dr. B decided to put him through some tests to make sure his fat dick was still working ...
(2009) among others), in general a more detailed analysis of discourse functions has taken place in the last two decades, and, sub-classifications of topics and focuses have been put forward, following Rizzi’s (1997) seminal work within the cartographic model. For example, contra Rizzi, ...
but back in 2016 there was an explosion of bollards in Bogota, which was seen by many as a misuse of city funds by the mayor to cover up other scandals. They even put in bollards to protect other bollards, such as those in this photo (thanks to @ContraGodarria on twitter for the pi...
Check out this Wikihow article for a few other tips. Vowels Vowels are crucially important to master in Spanish. Whereas in English we often put emphasis on consonants, in Spanish it is exactly the opposite. Try saying “configurable” out loud. Were your vowels stuck playing second fiddle?
I strongly recommend a heavy emphasis on using popular media in the language you’re learning (in this case: movies, YouTube videos, music, TV shows, books, etc. in Spanish) for two reasons: you can choose things that are fun and interesting, which helps keep you engaged and prevents ...
Do not put sandy towels in washer! Be mindful of water usage. Viktig informasjon Viktig å vite Dette overnattingsstedet forvaltes av en profesjonell vert, og overnattingsvirksomheten er knyttet til vedkommendes bransje, bedrift eller yrke. Det kan pålegges avgifter for ekstra personer...
【每日口语】194.Don't be a Spanish athlete 往期链接:
"I hope you get well soon." If you're saying goodbye after visiting with someone you haven't seen in a while, you may want to say, me alegro de verte, which means, "it was great to see you." or you can just say a simple thanks with “gracias”. However, for first...