I still don’t see why I should learn alanguage that’s so hard for me. There are no verb tenses on the golf course orin Web design! M: Listen Miranda, I’ve known your father since we were students atuniversity 20 years ago – and have known you since you were a little girl. ...
lucky charmn(trinket: kept for luck)talismán, amuletonm amuleto de la buena suertenm + loc adj (figurado)pata de conejoloc nom f Clare picked the four-leaf clover and put it in her pocket as a lucky charm. lucky clover, four-leaf clovern(four-leafed plant considered lucky)trébol de...
There are lots of Spanish slang words for “money”. You might already know “dinero” and “plata,” but to understand financial talk from around the Spanish speaking world,… Spanish Slang for Beautiful The word for “beautiful” in Spanish ishermoso,but there are many other casual ways to...
estar como agua para chocolate be at the boiling point (lit.: like water for chocolate. Indicates a boiling point of anger or passion. Note that this phrase was used as the title for a movie, translated into English as “Like Water for Chocolate.”) estar como el burro del aguador; car...
saddle horse n US (horse for riding only) caballo de montar mn + loc adj caballo de silla mn + loc adj saddle maker n ([sb] who makes seats for horseriding) fabricante de sillas de montar nm Most horseriders know the importance of a good saddle maker. ⓘ Hay fabricantes de silla...
Five Democratic state Treasurers called for an end to the trade war with Canada and Mexico and warned impending tariffs will have detrimental impacts on everyday Americans. Aneeta Mathur-Ashton March 6, 2025 State Treasurers Say No to Trade War The president’s mercurial approach to his import...
Spanish Slang for Cool in Chile 1. a todo cachete 2. bacán 3. buena onda 4. buena tela Means “cool, good vibes” and describes either a situation or a person 5. cachilupi 6. chori 7. cototo or cototudo This word changes its meaning depending on the context: can be “cool, int...
familiar/slang term for abuelo and abuela father / mother (slang) fish (slang): new inmate gang slang get stuff, slang? go down (slang) = ocurrir ? Gogetta...(slang) gone off the reservation (Slang) Good-looking (Argentine Girls Slang) goodbye...
Sorry for being in such a hurry the other day the day we get to stop talking to each other the other day - grammar The other day The other day I bought a Bearded dragon The other day I saw a beauitfull [beautiful] girl in the metro... - grammar we met the other day ...one ...
There are many different Spanish slang words for money, as you can imagine. Here are some of the most common ones so that you’re never caught off guard when it comes to money: Baro Lana Billete Cobre Morralla Oaoa Bolas Feria What is Spanish slang for girlfriend?