so on this so one sentence so only a million so operations develop so or allow so our evenings will so particularly care so passionate caulifl so plump so popular so re issued so reckoned so shall is be so she walks so sirs so sleep tight little so sonny so sorry to keep you so spo...
Passage Compre- hension first requires students to point to a picture represented by a phrase in a multiple choice format, then to read a sentence or short passage and pro- vide a missing word that is appropri- ate for the context of the passage. Lis- tening Comprehension ...
It is a particular practice in my own country that has reached epidemic proportions. Es una práctica particular que tiene lugar en mi propio país y que ha adquirido proporciones epidémicas. The fear of a global avian flu epidemic is real. El temor a una epidemia mundial de gripe av...
Some of the questions that arise in the study of acquisition in a stable bilingual community relate to the role of the language used by the majority of individuals versus that used by the minority (Gathercole and Thomas 2009), and the crosslinguistic influences or possible changes that one or...