这就是1918年的流感大流行(1918 flu pandemic),也被称为西班牙流感(Spanish flu)。这是由甲型H1N1流感病毒引起的罕见的致命性流感大流行,于1918年1月至1920年12月间爆发,造成当时世界人口约四分之一的5亿人感染,1700万至5000万、甚至可能高达1亿人死亡,它成为人类历史上最致命的大流行病之一,仅次于黑死病。 这次...
Identifying the end of a pandemic isn't as straightforward as it may sound. Diseases may continue to spread long after people take steps to avoid ...
Spanish Flu (1918 influenza pandemic, the flu epidemic of 1918) The 1918 flu pandemic (the "Spanish flu") was one of the famous influenza pandemics in history. It was an unusually deadly and severe pandemic that spread across the world. This influenza pandemic was caused by a vicious Influen...
(redirected fromConsequencies of the spanish flu) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia in·flu·en·za (ĭn′flo͞o-ĕn′zə) n. 1.An acute contagious viral infection of humans, characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration. Also ca...
Pretty obviously this innocent error is being exploited as part of a very cynical bid by some entities, including the Wikipedia editors, to make the current coronavirus scare seem, well,scarier. The 1918 flu pandemic is embedded in the collective mind as an exemplar of a terrifying outbreak.If...
the Spanish Flu of 1918. This pandemic, caused by anH1N1 strain, ravaged much of the world and caused up to 40 to 50 million deaths, with most of these casualties occurring in the fall of 1918.11It is believed that more than half of the world's population became infected. World War I...
世界卫生组织呼吁科学家、国家当局和媒体在命名新的人类传染病时遵循最佳做法,以减少对国家、经济和人民不必要的负面影响,结合“More modern terms for this virus include the “1918 influenza pandemic”, the “1918 flu pandemic”, or variations of these.”和四个选项可知,B选项“一般描述”是最符合的,故...
Price, ChristopherNorth Dakota History
spanish flu pandemic 读音:美英 spanish flu pandemic基本解释 西班牙大流感 分词解释 Spanish西班牙的 flu流行性感冒,流感 pandemic(疾病)大流行的
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