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Johnson RE, Rosen CC, Djurdjevic E. Assessing the impact of common method variance on higher order multidimensional constructs. J Appl Psychol. 2011;96(4):744–61. Article PubMed Google Scholar Reio TG. The threat of common method variance bias to theory building. Hum Resour Dev Rev. 2010...
The Woodcock-Johnson III Test of Cognitive Abilities (WJ III COG, Woodcock et al., 2001) is based on Cattell-Horn-Carroll's theory about cognitive skills. The use of either the standard alone battery (35–45 min) or the extended version of that (90–120 min) is done depending on the...
JohnsonDepartmentJohnDepartmentS.DepartmentWiebeDepartmentOsvaldoDepartmentF.DepartmentMoreraDepartmentSpringerMindfulnessJohnson, C.J., Wiebe, J.S., Morera, O.F., 2014. The spanish version of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS): measurement invariance and psychometric properties. Mindfulness (N. ...
Johnson JG, Harris ES, Spitzer RL, Williams JBW. The patient health questionnaire for adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2002;30(3):196–204. Article PubMed Google Scholar Borghero F, Martínez V, Zitko P, Vöhringer PA, Cavada G, Rojas...
Such discursive inversions of the moving ego path assume that the “normal” attitude would be to look forward. Paraphrasing Lakoff and Johnson (1980), this occasional feature could even actualize a more general orientational metaphor, underlying the etymology of the word progress (forwards is good...
Average physical exercise, measured from self-reported leisure-time activity performed in the past 10 years was used to estimate the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) per hour per week, calculated using the Ainsworth’s compendium of physical activities24, and categorized according to the WHO’s...
The SRM is equivalent to the change in score over a period of time divided by the change in SD. Both the ES and the SRM were interpreted as follows: <0.2 as non-responsive, 0.2–0.5 as mildly responsive, 0.51–0.7 as moderately responsive and ≥0.7 as markedly responsive to change [37...
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of medical conditions associated with several health disorders. MetS and frailty can be related to prolonged physical deconditioning. There is a need to know whether there is concordance between the different ways o
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