Spanish-American War (redirected fromSpanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War) Thesaurus Legal Encyclopedia Spanish-American War n. A war between Spain and the United States in 1898, as a result of which Spain ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and Guam to the United States and abandoned all...
美西战争(Spanish-American War)是1898年美国和西班牙之间的一场战争。这场战争主要是因为美国对于西班牙在古巴的殖民统治感到不满,同时也是美国试图扩大领土和增强在国际上的地位的一种方式。战争期间,美国海军迅速摧毁了西班牙在亚洲和太平洋地区的海军力量,同时在古巴、波多黎各和菲律宾等地发动了陆地攻击。美国最终取...
< 拉美史,西班牙-美国战争 The Spanish-American War (Hispanic America)搜索 阅读原文 下载APP
2.Those relationships were in place before the Spanish American War of 1898. 然此非常特殊的关系却早已于1898年的美西战争前即已存在. 3.The press baron who perfected yellow journalism and helped start the Spanish - American War. 新闻男爵黄色新闻,帮助他们完善开始美西战争. ...
The Spanish-American War of 1898 was a military clash between the US and Spain. Learn all about it and the outcome with our worksheets!
The war between Spain and the United States was actually the final stage in a struggle between Cuban rebels and Spanish colonialism, which had produced two previous rebellions and a growing involvement of Cuba's black population. In 1895, a third rebellion began and soon spread across the ...
Spanish Civil War (1936–39), military revolt by Nationalist rebels, supported by conservative elements within the country, against the Republican government of Spain. When an initial military coup failed to win control of the entire country, a bloody ci
Spanish-American War (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. The U.S. emerged from the war a world pow
Section 1: The first section of this website below provides timeline of the war, basic information on the war such as a summary of the Spanish American War, the declarations of war, information on where the war was fought, the causes of the Spanish American War, why the war was fought,...
At the time, no one knew that this simple premise would result in an American empire. Through extensive research, Mark Barnes has created a comprehensive, annotated bibliography detailing this globally significant conflict and its aftermath. Insightful notes are included for every title in each ...