False friendsare words that look the same or almost the same as words in another language but have different meanings. However, such words aren't the only dangerous ones for those who believe (usually correctly) that knowing English gives them a head start onSpanish vocabulary. Not Quite False...
The study of iconicity, or the resemblance between word forms and their meanings, has been the focus of increasing attention in recent years. Nevertheless, there is a lack of large-scale normative studies on the iconic properties of words, which could prove crucial to expanding our understanding ...
Only an advanced learner of Spanish is likely to know the noun hito, which has various meanings: 'a milestone or boundary post; a landmark; something or someone that is key or fundamental; a target; the game of quoits. Is piglet a diminutive?
But although the specific meanings of “estate,”“interest” and “fee” seemed clear to my students and they realized that (salvando las distancias) “life estate” might be considered somewhat similar tousufructo vitalicio, they still struggled to understand the three traditional life estates: re...
Some users are dissatisfied becausethe app is entirely in Spanish—there are no English-language instructions. However, this offers a more immersive approach than apps that use English since users will figure out word meanings through context. This encourages users to think in Spanish, which is im...
While learning Spanish, we often come across verbs that are very similar but which have different meanings and uses. Verbs like acordar vs acordarse,…Keep reading Adrian ¿Qué Onda? Understanding this common Spanish greeting Have you ever heard someone say ¿qué onda? in Spanish and wonder...
Finally, there are suffixes that don't have a clear English equivalent. Here are some of the common ones along with an explanation of their meanings and an example of each: -ada— similar to English suffix "-ful" or "-load" —cucharada, spoonful (fromcuchara, spoon) ...
Get our FREE 7-day email course, Shortcut to Conversational The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it! LET ME IN!Ya in Spanish: A tiny word with a range of meanings Imperfect Tense...
Applying Cognitive Linguistics to elucidate the meanings of the particles IN/OUT and UP/DOWN in L2 classrooms:Pedagogical experience vs. research findings Ana M.Piquer-Píriz&MartaMartín-Gilete|RCL 22:2 (2024) pp. 450–475 Introduction:Lessons learned at the intersection of applied cognitive lin...
Nevertheless, students need encouragement to reflect on their metacognitive activity and to share their most effective decoding strategies with other students in the class. Individual students may provide some amazing ideas as to how they personally unravel L2 meanings, and their approaches can be ...