【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】西语初学者如何描述词语Easy Spanish Trivia_ Describing Words 22:30 【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】西语将来时常用句80 Future Tense Phrases for Spanish Beginners 10:45 【YouTube搬运 | 西班牙语学习】西语问路表达Giving and Asking For Directions in Spanish 09:22 【Yo...
PeopleHuman BodyDescribingClothingEmotions/Feelings Description Words / Palabras de descripción How would you describe the people from the family with whom you are staying during your stay in Spain? Do you want to tell somebody what the best teacher in the school is like? Or do you simply ...
Ch 2. Describing People in Spanish Ch 3. Locations in Spanish: Vocabulary &... Ch 4. Household Terms in Spanish Ch 5. Weather and Seasons in Spanish Ch 6. Asking Questions in Spanish Ch 7. Spanish Numbers Ch 8. Days & Dates in Spanish Ch 9. Telling Time in Spanish Ch 10. Likes ...
Ch 2. Describing People in Spanish Ch 3. Locations in Spanish: Vocabulary &... Ch 4. Household Terms in Spanish Ch 5. Weather and Seasons in Spanish Ch 6. Asking Questions in Spanish Ch 7. Spanish Numbers Ch 8. Days & Dates in Spanish Ch 9. Telling Time in Spanish Ch 10. Likes ...
However, they don’t have their own gender like nouns. Instead, theyadopt the gender of the nouns they’re describing. For Spanish sentences to be grammatically correct, everything must match the gender and quantity of the noun—which means adjectives and articles have to become either plural,...
The word ‘joder’ is one of the standard ways to say ‘fuck’ in Spanish, and probably the most common, though in countries like Mexico, ‘chingar’ is preferred. Like ‘fuck’ in English, joder is not limited to describing sexual activity but has a variety of other meanings and uses....
In most cases, those are the nouns describingwhat people do for a living, and the gender varies with the person the word stands for. Thus, for example,el dentistarefers to a male dentist, whilela dentistarefers to a female dentist.Un artistais a male artist, whileuna artistais a female...
Because informal-you assumes that the speaker and addressee are on the same level, a preference for informal generic-you could suggest an affiliative or equalizing goal, describing how behaviors apply to anyone and everyone. A preference for formal-you, on the other hand, could suggest that ...
The most basic use of reflexive pronouns in Spanish for describing one’s daily routine. Yomedespierto. – I wake [myself] up. Tútebañas. – You bathe [yourself]. Élseviste. – He gets [himself] dressed. Since reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, etc) are used less often in Engl...
Once opened,it should beconsumed within a few months. Una vez abierto,debe serconsumido dentro de unos meses. Some people believe thatit should bein the first place. Algunas personas creen quedebería estaren el primer lugar. If you have to hurt someone,it should beme. ...