Hello. How are you, my friend? Hello. How are you? Hello. How can I help you? Hello. My name is Morgan. Help me! Help me, please. Helsinki Helvetic Hennessy Henrietta Henry Her eyes are green. Her girlfriends tried to call her, but failed to. Her girlfriends tried to call her,...
Below, we’ll show you a few dozen cute names you can call your significant other, a person you’re seeing, or even someone you’re trying to woo. Many of these are terms of affection in Spanish for boyfriend or girlfriend, whereas others are only appropriate for casual encounters, so ...
Spanish slang meanings depend on the context. For example, the wordchulo/chulawould be used in Spain to describe an object as “cute” or “cool,” but in reference to a person it might mean that they are “cocky.” In Mexico and Guatemala, it’s a colloquial way of saying someone is...
Name any conqueror from the 16th Century. Save a select few, the big names all came from Extremadura – Pizarro, Núñez de Balboa, Hernán Cortés. Loyal to the Spanish crown, they claimed a sizeable chunks of land, changing the course of history and effectively bringing the Spanish languag...