You can download a PDF of this false Spanish English cognates list at the end of this page. Word Explanation (if any) advertencia n. warning, piece of advice, reminder, or preface advertisement n. un anuncio aguardar to wait for guard guardar; defender; proteger argumento n. ...
Group 1 to Group 32 correspond to List 1 to List 32 of Spanish English Cognates. You can practice each group of words randomly (using the "Random Word" button), or one by one (using the "Previous Word" and "Next Word" links). Screen...
The forenames listed were cognates chosen randomly from Faure ([2002] 2007) and Hanks et al. ([1990] 2006), for Spanish and English, respectively. Following Dörnyei’s approach (2007), before launching the project, the research instruments were pilot tested to ensure they worked properly ...