The war between Spain and the United States was actually the final stage in a struggle between Cuban rebels and Spanish colonialism, which had produced two previous rebellions and a growing involvement of Cuba's black population. In 1895, a third rebellion began and soon spread across the ...
Spanish-American War Thesaurus Legal Wikipedia Spanish-American War n. A war between Spain and the United States in 1898, as a result of which Spain ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and Guam to the United States and abandoned all claim to Cuba, which became independent in 1902. ...
(redirected from Spanish-American-Cuban-Filipino War)Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Legal. Spanish-American War Spanish-American War, 1898, brief conflict between Spain and the United States arising out of Spanish policies in Cuba. It was, to a large degree, brought about by the ...
Spanish-American War, 1898, brief conflict between Spain and the United States arising out of Spanish policies in Cuba. It was, to a large degree, brought about by the efforts of U.S.
AMERICANWARAMERICANWAR ThebattleshipU.S.S.Maineexplodedin Havanaharborin1898killing260 Americansailors. MostbelievedatthetimethatSpainblew uptheMaine. U.S.declaredwaronSpain. CongressdeclaredCubaindependent. CAMPAIGNSCAMPAIGNS Manila(Philippines) CommodoreGeorgeDewey ...
As a result of the war, Cuba would be declared independent in 1902. 美西战争是1898年美国为夺取西班牙殖民地而发动的战争。 由于美国军舰“缅因”号于在古巴哈瓦那港爆炸沉没(1898年2月15日),激起美国报刊强烈反响和人民群众的愤怒。3月27日,美国通过驻西班牙公使提出要求西班牙在古巴停火和取消集中营法等...
西班牙美国战争 The Spanish American War THESPANISHAMERICANWAR,1898 Americawillfightforcolonies!CAUSESOFTHEWAR Spainwasdoingaterriblejobcontrollingitcolonies(thePhilippines,Cuba,andPuertoRico)AmericahadinterestinCuba(sugarplantations) AmericarelatestotheCubansbecauseoftheAmericanRevolution Cuba...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishˌSpanish-Aˌmerican ˈWar, the a war in 1898 between the US and Spain, which the US started because it wanted Cuba to be independent from Spain and because the US battleship Maine was mysteriously destroyed by an explosion near Havana, Cuba...