Adverbs ending in -mente and the structure of Spanish adjectivesFábregas Alfaro, Antonio
On the other hand, some Spanish adjectives end in a consonant, likepopular(popular),voraz(voracious), andfácil(easy). These are similar to the ones ending in-e: they only have two forms. The singular form is invariable for feminine and masculine nouns: ...
Remember to make any articles and adjectives agree with the noun they modify: situado en un puntoestratégico situated at a strategic point tres puntosminúsculos three tiny dots Silaspuntas están abiertas, deben cortarse. If the ends are split, they should be cut off. DID YOU KNOW? In ...
The verbveniris irregular as it does not follow the usual pattern for Spanish verbs ending in “-er”. Veniris a stem-changing verb, meaning that, as we’ll see below, in some conjugations the vowel “e” from the verb’s stem can change to “ie” or “i” when it’s part of a...
In Spanish the case system of Latin has been completely lost except for subject and object forms for pronouns. Nouns are marked for masculine or feminine gender, and plurals are marked by the addition of -s or -es; adjectives change endings to agree with nouns. The verb system is complex ...
However, for adjectives that end in "e" or a consonant, the letter at the end of the word will not change with the gender. For instance "tenebroso" can be "tenebrosa" if describing a masculine or feminine word, respectively, but "tangible" will not change the ending. There are some ...
jóvenes crimen crímenes Want to learn more about nouns? Take a look at these articles! Noun-Adjective Agreement Parts of Speech in Spanish Definite Articles in Spanish Indefinite Articles in Spanish Adjective Placement Noun Suffixes in Spanish Using Adjectives as Nouns in Spanish 🚀...
Modern Spanish has five simple vowels (a, o, e, i, u), a large number of diphthongs and triphthongs, and 18 consonants—16 hard and two soft (Ilandñ). Words ending in a vowel,n, orsare accented on the penultimate syllable (Dolores; canto, “song,”“singing”), and words endi...
Now that we’ve covered the basics, we’ll get you started on thesaberconjugation by taking a look at its verbals. These are the infinitive, the gerund and the participle. Verbals can be tricky because they actually function as nouns, adjectives and adverbs instead of actual verbs. But don...
Reminder: Most adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. However, some adjectives have the same masculine and feminine form (they still have singular and plural forms). ella espequeña; él espequeño.