Exception: For adjectives that end in z in the singular, change the z to a c before adding the plural ending. examples El gato es feliz. The cat is happy. Los gatos son felices. The cats are happy. Exception: Adjectives that end in -or, -ón, or -ín do have feminine forms. Simp...
Adjectives follow nouns, e.g., el/un hombre simpático‘the/a nice man’, la/una mujer simpática ‘the/a nice woman’, los/unos hombres simpáticos ‘the/some nice men’, las/unas mujeres simpáticas ‘the/some nice women’. Latin American Spanish has only one form of the 2nd person...
Spanish comparisons ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ English comparisons ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Vocabulary Lists Spanish words ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ English words ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Other Features AnswersFluenciaThesaurus Grammar AdjectivesLanguage BasicsMiscellaneousPronounsVerbsVocabulary ...
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZAdjectives Animals Astronomy Bathroom Birds Birthday The Body Buildings Camping City Clothing Colors Common Phrases Containers Devices Farm Flowers Food Furniture Geography Geology House & Furniture Mail Math Money Music People ...
b, vwithin a word[β]j[x] c[k], beforee,i[θ]llpronounced asyinyes ch[tʃ]ñ[ɲ] dat the end and between vowels[ð]z[θ] g[g], beforee,i[x] güe[gwe]güi[gwi]gua[gwa]que[ke] gue[ge]gui[gi]guo[gwo]qui[ki] ...
Relative Clauses in Spanish Demonstrative Pronouns in Spanish Adjectives of Quantity in Spanish Adjectives of Nationalities in Spanish | Forms & Examples Adjective Clauses in Spanish Spanish Adjectives That Start With F Bien vs. Bueno in Spanish | Differences, Use & ExamplesCreate...
Puerto Rican Spanish has incorporated English syntax more noticeably due to the island’s status as a U.S. territory and the bilingual nature of many of its inhabitants. This influence can sometimes lead to direct translations that affect sentence structure, such as the placement of adjectives aft...
If a noun ends in -z, add -es and change the z to c. el lápiz:los lápices la voz:las voces el tapiz:los tapices la actriz:las actrices When the plural refers to two or more nouns of different genders, the masculine plural is used. ...
In the Prepositions section, he describes Spanish prepositions and their usage, distinguishes between the uses of " Aa"porAa" " and " Aa"para, Aa" " and explains the uses of prepositions with verbs and adjectives. The book also includes re...
Nouns that End in a Consonant Now that you've got the rules for words ending in a vowel down, let's learn about words that end in a consonant. 1. Add-es Rule: If a singular noun ends in a vowel plusyor the consonantsl, r, n, d, z, j, s, x,orch, add-es. ...