How to Type Spanish Accents and Letters Quick Answer Having trouble typing á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, and ¡ on your keyboard? ¡No te apures! (Don't sweat it!) There are several ways you can incorporate these letters and punctuation marks into your daily life. 1. ...
Intro: We often get emails asking us how to write the Spanish characters and accents eg, áéíóú ñ ¿ ¡ ¿ º ª on a non Spanish keyboard. If you didn't buy your computer in a Spanish speaking country then you key board won't be set up for Spanish. Here are some so...
¿Dónde está el ñandú? Ever wondered how you could type that on a normal English keyboard? How do you make the inverted question mark (¿) without having to turn your screen upside down? Those special letters with the accents don’t appear anywhere, do they? And how about the n...
Spanish Dict: How to Type Spanish Accents and Letters ThoughtCo: Typing Spanish Accents and Punctuation in Windows Windows Central: How to change your keyboard layout on Windows 10 PC Typing Cat: How to change your keyboard layout - Mac OS X Advertisement Article continues below this ad Resources...
Hi, it is the same on Windows. I have a French physical keyboard for that reason. It is not easy to switch between keybords. My 'fingers' struggle a bit. I ended up using MS Word to type it all in French, ignoring 'accents', then select the whole text, make sure it is set ...