Intro: We often get emails asking us how to write the Spanish characters and accents eg, áéíóú ñ ¿ ¡ ¿ º ª on a non Spanish keyboard. If you didn't buy your computer in a Spanish speaking country then you key board won't be set up for Spanish. Here are some so...
How to Type Accents and Letters with Character Codes Another way to type Spanish letters and punctuation marks is to use character codes. Each character in your computer has a code made up of the Alt key and a three-digit number, all of which are listed below. Accented letterAlt code á...
Hi, it is the same on Windows. I have a French physical keyboard for that reason. It is not easy to switch between keybords. My 'fingers' struggle a bit. I ended up using MS Word to type it all in French, ignoring 'accents', then select the whole text, make sure it is set ...
How to Type Spanish Accents, Characters, and Punctuation in Windows By Gerald Erichsen Pressing theapostrophekey will place an acute accent (like on theé) on the following letter. So to type anéwith the dead-key method, press the apostrophe key and then the "e." To make acapitalaccented...
For an English speaker, it can sometimes be difficult to grasp just how important the different accents above Spanish letters are. English spelling might not be very consistent, but when it comes to each individual letter, they're always pronounced in the same way. An a is an a, and an ...
If you are wondering what a ñandú is, it’s a large bird that looks like an ostrich and lives in the southern part of South America. Check out a freeSpanish Letters and Accents cheat sheetthat you can download (for teachers and students)....
A Spanish style home contains several elements that transport inhabitants and guests to the gorgeous homes of the Spanish Old World.
If you have a Mac, chances are that you're a fan of the Apple ecosystem and are also using an iPhone and/or iPad using iOS as an operating system. Never fear: Typing accents with iOS isn't difficult at all. To type an accented vowel, simply tap and lightly press on the vowel. A...
Does ___ require the subjunctive? How do I conjugate ___ in the ___? How do I type accents in Windows/Mac/Linux/Android/iDevice? What does "conjugate" mean? Where is Spanish spoken? Where can I ask other Spanish questions?Learning and Practice QuestionsHow...
We provide premium quality closed captioning and transcription for Spanish-language prerecorded content. Our pricing is extremely competitive and the accuracy is more than 99% accurate, even in cases of poor audio quality, multiple speakers, difficult content, or accents. After your media files have...