Table 7 Prolam Floor Beam supporting joists 79 KB pdf Table 8a Prolam Floor Joist PL8 75 KB pdf Table 8b Prolam Floor Joist PL12 80 KB pdf Table 9 Prolam Deck Bearer supporting deck and cantilever 78 KB pdf Table 10 Prolam Deck Joist 83 KB pdf Table 11 Prolam Deck Post Br...
The composite floors consist of cold-formed steel C-shape joists and subfloor with cold-formed steel form-deck and gypsum-based self-leveling underlayment. This paper presents a theoretical method, an experimental investigation, and a simplified model analysis on the in-plane displacement of cold-...
Seo J, Phares BM, Dahlberg J, Wipf TJ, Abu-Hawash A (2014) A framework for statistical distribution factor threshold determination of steel-concrete composite bridges under farm traffic. Eng Struct 69:72–82 Article Google Scholar Samuelson D (2002) Composite steel joists. Third quarter, Ameri...
Most floor vibration research was done on hot-rolled steel beams and steel open web joists with shorter spans, which behave differently from the floor structure of the station. Varela and Battista [5] conducted experimental testing on lightweight composite floor deck structures for vibration due to...
for the Sarasota, Bradenton deck section above 19 meters high, at the bridge pier continuous prestressed concrete tower structure, the tower is set vertically prestressed, rigid frame pier pylon at ordinary concrete structure, deformation of the bracket is fully welded box-section steel joists, main...