The United States sent 15 million cans of Spam per week to troops during the conflict, says Kinscher. Soldiers ate so much Spam that they soon grew sick of it. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in Americadescribesthe angry letters written by soldiers and addressed to Hormel and to ...
) "Spam Classic is a conveniently packaged canned meat product made of 100 percent pure pork and ham. Spam Classic contains 180 calories per two-ounce serving. Spam luncheon meat first was produced in 1937. It was one of the first convenient, moderately priced and great tasting meat products ...
A 2oz. serving of SPAM luncheon meat contains 170calories, (140 of which arefatcalories!) 16 grams of fat, 40mg ofcholesterol, 750mg ofsodium, and 7g ofprotien. It has nocarbohydrates,fiber, Vitamin A or Vitamin C, and nocalcium. A little SPAM luncheon meat recipe: Slice SPAM Luncheon...