I had pretty much the same bot in python, but I had problems with the message cache when it ran on a bigger discord server. Weird things happened and in the end i had norealcontrol of the cache, so i moved to C++. Releases5
Discord spam bots with multiple account support, account creator, auto-join, proxies, mass direct message and more. testingbotspamdiscorddiscord-botraidcreatorspam-protectiontrollingaccountspammer-detectiondiscord-spam-botsaccount-creator UpdatedMay 22, 2023 ...
discord spam anti-spam discord.js antispam moderation bot plugin module scraayp• 2.8.1 • 3 years ago • 2 dependents • MITpublished version 2.8.1, 3 years ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT 3,928 @cedx/akismet Prevent comment spam using the Akismet service. akismet api client com...
chatbotdiscord-botraidanti-spamspam-preventionspam-protectionantispamadministration-bot UpdatedDec 15, 2024 Go kangarko/ChatControl-Pro Star67 Code Issues Pull requests The ultimate chat solution. Prevent spam, ads, swears and even bots on your server. Replaced by ChatControl Red:https://mineacademy...
pythonbottelegramtelegram-botpython-telegram-botgroupmanagementantispambot UpdatedDec 18, 2023 Python AIAS (Artifical Intelligence AntiSpam) is an open-source Discord bot that has innovative moderation features, such as nextgen word filter and AI-based spam detection. ...
Bot Creator: Fytex#4389 ID: 321346463148015626 Art Creator: AmânDIOOO#7771 ID: 253679155651018764www.instagram.com/amskun/ Discord Server:https://discord.gg/hNGAWVH Join my discord sever (link is above) and let me know :D, or you could just write here but I won't pay attention too ...
discord discordjs discord-bot discord-js discordjs-bot spam-filtering spam-detection phishing-detection Updated Jul 5, 2022 JavaScript vizeat / censorify-it Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests Censor unwanted URLs, emails and telephone numbers to prevent spam spam spam-protection spam-filtering...
A basic spam bot written in Java. java bot spam discord discord-bot discord-api jda spam-bot Updated Dec 17, 2017 Java MarijaStojchevska / NaiveBayesClassifier Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Implementation of a Bayes Classifier for classification new input messages as SPAM or HAM....