The Withholding Tax Rate in Spain stands at 19 percent. This page includes a chart with historical data for Spain Withholding Tax Rate.
Note: The withholding tax rate to be applied to interests or dividends distributed by companies set up in Navarra's region remains at 20%, until further notice. Impact on customers No changes will occur to the tax relief procedures currently provided by Clearstream Banking. As of 13 July 2015...
Tax withholding rates for payments of dividends, interest and branch remittance are reduced from previous 19.5% rate to 19%. Spain France Social Security Agreement September 2014 The social security agreement between Spain and France which was signed in December 2011 entered into force on September 1...
The withholding tax rate on dividends, interest and capital gains will be reduced from 21% to 20% in 2015, and to 19% in 2016. To avoid discriminatory treatment between capital gains obtained by corporate residents and EU residents, the reform extends the participation exemption regime to ...
The taxation of a subsidiary may differ, depending on the existence of various international treaties. For example, no withholding tax on dividends paid to a foreign company from an EU country is raised. Also manydouble tax treaties signed by Spainstipulates that the profits are taxed only in ...
Reports on the issuance of the Interpretation Declaratory Act by the Brazilian tax authorities on December 23, 2004. Rule on withholding income tax levied on dividends paid by a company; Information on the withholding income tax rates wherein payments of royalties to a resident of Spain are to ...
dividends and capital gains and a full exemption on outbound dividends and capital gains provided several requirements are met. Since ETVEs are Spanish regular entities, they are treated like regular limited liability companies, thus benefitting from tax treaties signed by Spain and from EU ...
Advised over 50 investment funds resident in Germany before the Spanish Supreme Court and the Spanish Audiencia Nacional on a massive dividend withholding tax reclaim procedures in Spain. Advised Catalana Occidente on the acquisition of Memora Servicios Funerarios from Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. Ad...
Spain has one of the most extensive double-taxation treaty networks in the world, which reduces or eliminates the Spanish withholding tax rate on such types of income. Certain payments within the EU, such as interest, dividends and capital gains, are not subject to taxation if certain requiremen...
In that case, the rental income you obtain from a Spanish property you own, dividends from a company you have invested in,… These would be incomes that create income tax payments, but taxed under the non-resident tax. Nevertheless,non-residents from any European Union country, Iceland or No...