Daniel Barenboim, an emblematic figure in the realm of classical music, has built an extraordinary career that spans continents and decades. Born on November 15, 1942, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, to parents of Russian Jewish descent, his musical journey began at a tender age, with his mother...
Obtaining Spanish Residency by EU Citizens Starting in 2007, an EU citizen no longer needs an EU Residence Card as this was replaced with theresidence certificate(for those who want to stay for more than six months in Spain). However, if they already hold an EU residence card, they are no...
We’ll check your documents and make sure everything is in order, thus leading toefficiency and speed What Awaits You in Spain Aside from our well-located Spanish Immigration Office, a sunny climate, mouth-watering gastronomy, lively people, and picturesque views await you here, as well. ...
With the aim of influencing local public policies and taking part in the decision making around the project, a group of neighbors formed a citizen platform called the Cercs Anti-incineration Platform (PAIC). In this case study, we present the strategies that the activists followed to become an...
He became a US citizen in 1971. He has been President and Chairman of the Board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. At University of California, Irvine, his academic appointments included University Professor and Donald Bren Professor of Biological Sciences, Ecology & ...
Castellón became an American citizen in 1943. During WWII, he was with the OSS and assigned to the Burma theater. Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, his work was informed by his travels abroad: to China with the U.S. Army; to Italy on his second Guggenheim fellowship; and to Paris and...
a destabilization of order provoked by the masses due to a moment of high social tension in which the normativity of the urban space is questioned and subverted as the citizen deviates from civic codes of urbanity and traverses physical boundaries and symbolic norms, opening up the potential for...