Mix of 3 videos from youtube : SpaceXStarshiplivefeeds
【预告】再来10亿美元项目,明晚,重型猎鹰运载火箭将打一颗Psyche卫星入轨,遗憾YouTube直播没戏。 lemondrm 207 0 【Psyche Mission】SpaceX重型猎鹰运载火箭发射升空,两枚侧面助推器成功回收,预计六年后到达位于火星和木星之间的富含金属的Psyche小行星。 lemondrm 113 0 【韩国】世界号运载火箭发射成功把韩国开发...
Recommended Videos NASA carried out a similar review five years ago and saw no issue with SpaceX launching the Starship from Kennedy, but since then the Elon Musk-led spaceflight company has adjusted its plans for the Starship and its associated infrastructure, prompting the FAA to announce its ...
SpaceX is now planning for the third test flight of the Starship, which Musk said will be ready to go before the end of this year. However, the final say is in the hands of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is currently conducting an investigation into last month’s flight...
都将失去动力。要观看这次飞行,您可以访问 SpaceX 的网站:https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-3 NASASpaceflight也会对发射倒计时进行直播:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhJRzQsLZGg 如需了解一些背景情况,请参阅 SpaceX 提供的有关"星际飞船3"准备工作的视频:
SpaceX Starship launches nail-biting Flight 4 test of the world's most powerful rocket (video, photos) : Read moreObviously a scam. You were on the wrong YouTube channel. Reply fj.torres Unclear Engineer said:First, I want to say that this flight was an impressive improvement. And,...
The odds of Starship’s success It’s a bold vision. And SpaceX is still in the early stages of hashing out exactly how the catch works. Musk acknowledged during a July interview posted to YouTube that SpaceX’s goal for this flight “sounds kind of insane,” though its ...
When CNN visited on Tuesday ahead of the launch, guests were hanging out in the communal on-site cabin, watching a YouTube channel that streams a view of Starship 24/7. Some of them, engineers in their day job, speculated about the valve issue that plagued Monday’s launch attempt. Ant...
【中配】Spac终于获得重大Starship飞行7号新闻!探索Block 2版测试的新进展【SpaceX FINALLY gets the big Starship Flight 7 news!】 由Felix主持的这部以太空为中心的大片‘SpaceX终于获得重大Starship飞行7号新闻!’包含围绕SpaceX工作的最新动态和激动人心的内容。节目中,具体介绍了对Block 2版本的测试,包括了Ship...
SpaceX is the maker of Starship and a private space company known for its International Space Station missions. Comments (0) When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. Space...