| 作者:NASASpaceNews 坏消息!SpaceX星舰第八次飞行推迟,本周不会发射…… | 作者: GREAT SPACEX 埃隆·马斯克刚刚公布了新的星舰发射时间,震惊全网,NASA也惊呆了! | 作者: GREAT SPACEX NASA的太空飞机:大型隔热罩解决方案,解决SpaceX的难题... | 作者: ALPHA TECH FAA 终于批准了星舰(Starship)的第八次...
罕见!SpaceX 将在无需使用 Starship 的情况下从 Vast 部署新的太空站... | 作者:ALPHA TECH | 中文配音 12:55 新的SpaceX 执照泄露,星舰 8 号发射将于本月进行... | 作者: GREAT SPACEX | 中文配音 10:18 Sierra Space 公布更大的充气居住舱,将终结 NASA 国际空间站! | 作者: GREAT SPACEX |...
Explore SpaceX’s powerful Starship and its mission to reach Mars and beyond. ExtremeTech breaks down its design, goals, and how it’s reshaping space travel.
Elon Musk says one of his goals with SpaceX is to protect the light of consciousness. Okay! Here's what that means ... we think.
The good news is the explosion did not happen on the launchpad. Musk worried about this before the launch.Starship is the world's most powerful rocket ever built. At almost 122 metres tall, it is made to send astronauts to the moon, Mars and beyond. It would also make it possible to...
( )53. What is the news mainly about?A. Starship is the most powerful rocket in the world.B. The fifth test flight of Starship is successful.C. SpaceX starts to make reusable rockets.D. Engineers in SpaceX work in a new way.( )54. Which is the correct order of what will happen...
The rocket took off from Starbase but experienced a problem around stage separation time about three minutes after launch. Instead of the Super Heavy first stage disconnecting as planned, it remained latched to Starship. The vehicle tumbled and spun in the air. After several seconds, it ...
So the Starship and its Super Heavy booster are a fully reusable transportation system. 所以星际飞船和它的超重型助推器是一个完全可重复使用的运输系统。 13 00:00:58,22 --> 00:01:02,42 So that means that you don't have to build a new vehicle every time you want to fly. ...
R:It is precisely because of the lack of these facilities that the Starship’s 6000 ton thrust caused a shower of debris on the launch site.And a powerful engine jet blew out a large crater below the launch pad, even revealing ...
What about it!? 视频来自于YouTube,不代表本up观点,如有侵权联系删除字幕来自于谷歌机翻字幕,觉得不好可以打开b站字幕(横屏右下角字幕或右上角三个点进去打开字幕)中文配音来自于语音识别后再由微软tts配音,由于配音为整体无法音频同步,如介意图像与声音不同步,可以看【中文机翻】的视频。中文配音需要成本,如...