这里有些讨论,看下来,无非是有些散热 耐热材料 燃烧方面的一般性难题, 迟迟无人解决。无人解决的原因,是找不到应用场合,没人研究没用的东东苏联五十年代当防空火箭发动机用过,因为速度范围小就弃用我觉得...
Now this topic can be really intimidating so in order to bring the Raptor engine into context, we’re going to do an overview of a few common types of rocket engine cycles then compare the Raptor to a few other common rocket engines, like SpaceX’s current work horse, the Merlin, The ...
Mueller became the fledgling company's first employee where he worked side-by-side with Musk for nearly two decades. There in those nascent days, the Idaho native lent his expertise in developing the Merlin rocket engine which, under...
1.1.1 早期的大猎鹰火箭 2005年,猎鹰1火箭首飞时,SpaceX创始人埃隆·马斯克首次提出大猎鹰火箭(Big Falcon Rocket,BFR)的概念,称其能够将100 t的有效载荷发射到近地轨道[1],但当时并未明确具体方案。 SpaceX在2009年公开猛禽发动机研制计划,但当时与超重-星舰无关,而是计划用于猎鹰重型火箭上面级的氢氧发动机。2011...
What is not known at this time is how long it will take SpaceX to complete and validate the changes to its rocket engine design. There are concerns the changes may delay the company’s ambitious 2017 launch schedule, which could have a negative effect on its profitability. Acting NASA admin...
R:So what is the reason for the failure of this launch? Firstly, the first launch pad of the "Starship" is very unique. SpaceX did not build a launch pad with a guide groove or flame deflector, which is a common design feat...
“I think it looks beautiful,” he added. “I love the Tintin rocket design, so I kind of wanted to bias it towards that.” “Finally, I can tell you that I choose to go to the Moon,” Maezawa said, echoing the lines of President John F. Kennedy more than a half-century ago. ...
Starhopper is the Starship-equivalent of the Grasshopper prototype SpaceX used to develop the technology behind its reusable Falcon 9 rockets. Made of stainless steel, the squat, three-legged vehicle carried a single Raptor rocket engine and made a series of test firings and tethered hops that ...
The new rocket design consists of two parts: There’s the Super Heavy first stage, which provides plenty of fuel to lift the rocket up into the air and out of the atmosphere before falling away to leave the Starship itself, the second stage passenger vehicle which will travel through space...
"SN15 has vehicle improvements across structures, avionics and software, and the engines that will allow more speed and efficiency throughout production and flight: specifically, a new enhanced avionics suite, updated propellant architecture in the aft skirt, and a new Raptor engine design and config...