SpaceX test Raptor rocket engineThe rocket engine was fired at a water-cooled steel plate, which is designed to protect the launch pad during liftoff. Commenting on the test, SpaceX founder Elon Musk called it "one hell of a plasma beam"....
moving liquid oxygen from a header tank into the main tank. This test provided valuable data for...
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- SpaceX has successfully finished the static fire test of Raptor engine designed to power rockets including Starship. "First firing of Starship Raptor flight engine! So proud of great work by @SpaceX team," founder and CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk tweeted late ...
网易科技讯 7月18日消息,据外媒报道,当地时间周三晚间,美国太空探索技术公司SpaceX星际飞船(Starship)测试版原型Starhopper在德克萨斯州博卡奇卡市进行引擎测试后起火,变身“大火球”。 大约在Starhopper引擎点火四分钟后,第二次小爆炸将飞船原型吞噬在火焰中,持续了几秒钟时间,这似乎是场意外。起火很快被扑灭,但这次事故...
本周四,该公司在推特上发布了一段“凶猛”的短视频,推文中写道“在SpaceX位于德州McGregor的火箭发射中心,猛禽真空发动机正进行点火测试(full–duration test)”。Completed a full duration test fire of the Raptor Vacuum engine at SpaceX’s rocket development facility in McGregor,
🚀SpaceX - SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corp.)🚀Starship - 星舰🚀Orbital flight test - 轨道飞行测试📍Boca Chica - 博卡奇卡(发射地点)🚀Super Heavy Booster - 超重助推火箭🚀Raptor engine - 猛禽引擎🚀Reusable rocket - 可重复使用的火箭...
过去二十年中,该基地一直是SpaceX公司梅林(Merlin)发动机和猛禽(Raptor)发动机最主要的试验研发和测试场所,每台发动机都要在这里进行测试。梅林发动机为SpaceX的猎鹰-9(Falcon-9)和猎鹰重型(Falcon Heavy)等可重复使用火箭提供主要推力,使用液氧-煤油作为推进剂...
SpaceX has given us a few more dramatic looks at last week's Starship engine test. SpaceXfired up Booster 9 — the latest prototype of itsStarshipfirst stage, known as Super Heavy — on Friday (Aug. 25) at its Starbase facility in South Texas. All 33 of Booster 9's Raptor engines ...
In addition to the testing of Starship’s upper stage, the team has conducted numerous tests of the Super Heavy rocket, which include the increasingly complex static fires that led to a full-duration 31 Raptor engine test – the largest number of simultaneous rocket engine ignitions in history....
He also revealed that this issue was specific to the engine spin start test SpaceX had conducted — "Raptor has a complex start sequence," he said as an aside — and that going forward, the company "won't do a spin start test with all 33 engines at once." û收藏 转发 评论 ...