Bengaluru-based SatSure, for example, has been providing near real-time satellite data to the Airports Authority of India to enhance air traffic management and safety, helping airlines save fuel costs by improved flight planning. The project is expected to save 3...
In April 2021, NASA announced plans to use portions of their budget for Artemis to hire independent contractors. SpaceX was contracted for $2.9 billion in exchange for the development and use of a lunar lander to be used by the Artemis astronauts. Another SpaceX project in the works isStarli...
Design/methodology/approach The study uses a case study of SpaceX Hyperloop. The analyses if Hyperloop would bring about a paradigmatic shift in the transportation industry are based on the classical economic theories of technology S-curves (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975; Fisher and Pry, 1971) ...
Plans to develop a heavy-lift launch vehicle began at SpaceX as early as 2005. The methane–oxygen engines were in development by 2012 and prototypes of the vehicle's stainless steel primary structure were built by 2019. Starship's development program adopted an iterative and incremental methodol...
Musk's jokingly-named The Boring Company aims to potentially build tunnels for the Hyperloop One super-high-speed transport project. "He is a visionary who has some key passions which he pursues with vigor," Jackdaw Research chief analyst Jan Dawson said of Musk. ...