Related to Curved spacetime: Timelikegeneral relativity n. The geometric theory of gravitation developed by Albert Einstein, incorporating and extending the theory of special relativity to accelerated frames of reference and introducing the principle that gravity is a consequence of matter causing a curv...
这种科普最大的问题在于他弯曲的是三维的空间,而要想满足前文要求,i.e. autoparallel,你得在spacetime中才能完成。这也是我一直不太看好广义相对论和量子场论以及更加复杂的理论的科普的原因之一,这些复杂的理论在脱离了数学框架之后你根本无法用metaphor或者自然语言告知大众,我记得在Professor Susskind某个采访中[1]...
Alternate theories where space and time are minor players in our physical reality are still tentative and so mathematically dense that physicists can barely follow what is going on.Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity, a book by Carlo Rovelli, is an excellent overview o...
Is spacetime curved? Assessing the underdetermination of general relativity and teleparallel gravityRealism about general relativity (GR) seems to imply realism about spacetime curvature. The existence of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity (TEGR) calls this into question, for (a) TEGR ...
The general form of the KG equation (with h¯ = c = 1) in curved spacetime is given by 1 √−g ∂μ √−ggμν ∂ν ψ − M2ψ − ξ Rψ = 0, (10) where M is the mass of the particle, R is the Ricci scalar curvature, ξ is a dimensionless coupling constant,...
EXAMPLE 26 (Field Theories in a Curved Spacetime). While a generic general relativistic spacetime admits no non-trivial symmetries, a solution in which, intuitively, the geometry of space is constant in time admits a time translation group. Let V be a globally hyperbolic and time-oriented genera...
ResourceFunction["CurvedSpacetimeTriangulation"][cond,{x1,…,xn},{{xmin,xmax},…},meas,"prop"] gives the property"prop"for the specified restricted triangulation. Details When no"prop"is given,ResourceFunction["CurvedSpacetimeTriangulation"]returns aSpacetimeTriangulationobject by default. ...
We explain that there is an important relation between the cosmological constant problem and the violation of Wald's stress-energy renormalisation axioms. 展开 关键词: Semi-classical gravity de Sitter spacetime Cosmological constant problem Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes DOI: 10.1016/j....
This is the first of two articles introducing the method, dedicated to spacetimes without boundaries or which boundaries remain static in some synchronous gauge. 1 Introduction Quantum field theory in curved spacetime is the theory that studies the evolution of quantum fields which propagate in a ...
The aim to provide a causal theory of spacetime is not new. The overall program, however, was largely deemed unsuccessful, chiefly due to criticism voiced