336 high-quality spaceship engine sound effects in a futuristic style. Description This package contains spaceship engine sounds, designed in a futuristic style, including 336 high-quality sound effects, 16 kinds of spaceship. Perfect for spacecrafts, spaceships, large drones and UFOs, space and s...
Bluezone Corporation releases ‘Cargo – Spaceship Sound Effects’, a new sci-fi sample library covering a wide range of elements including cockpit and interior ambiences, interface and beep sounds, reactor rumbles, spaceship passby sounds and more. Created with a large selection of high quality...
Spaceship elevator, door opening. Sci fi, futuristic sounds. Great sound for games, videos, website, etc. Best online sound effects library.
Dystopian Future FX Sounds " Spaceship Cruising, UFO 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看原文 作者:BurghRecords 许可:CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述:异形飞碟太空飞船巡航音效。 SFX for YouTube&视频项目。希望这可以帮助您完成视频制作之旅。 下载完整包装:https://www.edinburghrecords.com/products/soundeffects/dystopian...
rock the spacecraft from side to side to trigger more lights and sound effects. Price Check $329.99 Should I get it? This playset looks amazing, and it’s going to be a lot of fun for young space explorers. The lights and sounds enhance the imaginative play, making kids feel like they...
Out Of This World Futuristic SciFi Sound Effects " 科幻飞船起飞的声音 by BurghRecords 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 9.1 MB 4596 kbps ... 描述:SciFi Spaceship起飞声音。转速为24bit 96kHz 超越这个世界未来科幻声音效果包。超过200个免版税的科幻SFX和音轨,以帮助您开始创建这个世界项目。 https://www...
The Pro version of Stick Nodes has extra functionality for sound effects, MP4 (video) exporting, no ads/watermark, and extra stickfigure filters (blur, glow, saturation, hue-shift, color-inversion, pixelation, and tint). It's a one-time payment, no IAP, and updates forever! Features for...
31 Sound Effects 4 Shaders 1 Custom lens flare (enhanced and more elegant version of a lens flare from the Standard Assets by Unity) ***DISCLAIMER: Due to the added complexity of navingating a ship interior while moving/rotating, actual ship movement is NOT implemented. All apparent ship mo...
For a more detailed breakdown, consult the included PDF (VattalusAssets>Common>AssetFrameworkDocumentation.PDF) and the well-annotated source code. 44 Sound Effects. Door open/close sounds, computer beeps, different drones and fan sounds. Related keywords citizenSci-FiScifiInteriorplayableShipspac...
Dystopian Future FX Sounds " Spaceship Cruising, UFO 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看原文 作者:BurghRecords 许可:CC0 公众共享许可协议 描述:异形飞碟太空飞船巡航音效。 SFX for YouTube&视频项目。希望这可以帮助您完成视频制作之旅。 下载完整包装:https://www.edinburghrecords.com/products/soundeffects/dystopian...