clear; close all; SNRs = (0:1:10); N = 1e5; BERs_Alamouti = zeros(size(SNRs)); nErr = zeros(size(SNRs)); tic for eee=(1:length(SNRs)) snr = SNRs(eee); Pnoise = 1/10^(snr/10); Datas = randi([0,1],1,N); Dmod = pskmod(Datas,2)/sqrt(2) ; H = (randn(2,N)+...
发射分集 Space Time Block Coding (STBC) - 哔哩哔哩 ( 其中有一步公式如下: 首先,需要考虑的是平均情况,即应该考虑数学期望: 需要对最后分子部分进行重新推导: 继续 继续 公式(3) 中,考虑数学期望的,即在大数据量情况下的平均,考虑各个随机变量的独立性以及均值为 0 则原文章中的公式就为:...
Recently, Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) has been trying to incorporate in the forthcoming generation of mobile communication standard which aims to deliver true multimedia capability. This paper presents the Space-Time Block Codes (STBC) for wireless networks that uses multiple numbers of antennas ...
内容简介· ··· Space-time coding is a technique that promises greatly improved performance in wireless networks by using multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver. Space-Time Block Coding for Wireless Communications, first published in 2003, is an introduction to the theory of this techno...
To improve the channel capacity, a new Alamouti space-time block coding (STBC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system was employed for underwater communications. 为了提高水声信道的信道容量,将多输入多输出(MIMO)技术用于水声信道,提出一种基于空时分组编码(STBC)的MIMO通信系统。
The transmitter comprises an encoding circuitry configured to perform space-time block encoding to obtain for at least one of the two or more streams a pair of space-time encoded streams. Further, a mapping circuitry is configured to assign each stream of each pair of space-time encoded ...
Space-time block coding (STBC) is a promising candidate for the next generation cellular communications standard, especially in the downlink system. In the downlink WCDMA system, multiple access interference (MAI), which impairs performance of the receiver, can be eliminated by channel chip level eq...
Space-time block coding (STBC) is an effective transmit diversity scheme. It was presented previously by in terms of coding and decoding by Alamouti (see IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol.16, no.8, p.1451-58, 1998) and by Tarokh, Jafarkhani and Calderbank (see IEEE Trans. Inform....
---基于TDMA 技术的技术规范:关于Space- Time Block Coding对于“Space- Time Block Coding”的认识——听取《4G、5G通信技术——信道编码(STBC-空时编码)》学术讲座之心得体会无线通信业前两代的发展特点主要表现在对提高业务质量的需求,提高频谱利用率以及对更大容量的需求。DD 、DMA用于第一代(1G)无线系统的技...
Space-Time Block Codes A space-time block code (STBC) is defined by a generator matrix G, having N rows and Nr columns, of the form in which the elements {gij} are signal points resulting from a mapping of information bits to corresponding signal points from a binary or M-ary signal ...