A study of steady-state one-carrier space-charge limited currents in solids containing double-level centers is presented. Using the regional approximation method, asymptotic current-voltage characteristics are derived, as an example, for the case where the thermal equilibrium fermi-level is situated ...
The problem of transient space-charge-limited currents in insulating and conducting crystals is treated mathematically. With a number of simplifying assumptions, solutions are derived for the time-dependent current and space-charge distribution following the onset of injection, the latter taking place via...
One-carrier space-charge-limited-currents in non-homogeneous solids under planar, spherical and cylindrical flowThe general expressions of the one carrier space-charge-limited-current (SCLC) are derived for a solid in which the permittivity, mobility and trap concentration are position dependent. The...
1a. The slow rise is the Ohmic regime, and the sharp rise belongs to the space-charge regime according to space-charge-limited-currents theory7,8,9,10. Recently, Zhang and Pantelides evidenced in theory and experiment that the interplay between dopants and traps controls the power-law rise ...
The long relaxation of the space-charge-limited conductivity due to the space charge prepared by an injection of the electrons in various n(+)-i-n(+) devic... V Cech,J Stuchlik,F Schauer - Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids: A Journal Devoted to Oxide, Halide, Chalcogenide and Metallic ...
Temperature-modulated space-charge-limited-current spectroscopy (TMSCLC) is applied to quantitatively evaluate the density of trap states in the band-gap with high energy resolution of semiconducting hybrid lead halide perovskite single crystals. Interes
Properties associated with space-charge-limited (SCL) currents in solids are summarized in terms of their potential for device application. The effect of space-charge on limiting the flow of injected current carriers is investigated in alloyed Ge solid-state diodes. Experimental results are presented...
Transient currents which are space-charge limited in solids with allowance for capture by trapsNot Availabledoi:10.1007/BF02209254A. I. RudenkoKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersRadiophysics and Quantum Electronics
Space-Charge-Limited Currents in Solids Currents, far in excess of ohmic currents, can be drawn through thin, relatively perfect insulating crystals. These currents are the direct analog of space-charge-limited currents in a vacuum diode. In actual crystals, the space-charge-l... AS Rose - ...
Mechanisms of space-charge-limited current in solids The mechanisms of space-charge-limited (SCL) current in solids are discussed. The practical case is taken of a wide band-gap, high-resistivity material containing empty shallow trapping states but in which empty deep trapping states are ... ...