Space-time gradient metasurfaces. Phys. Rev. B 92, 100304(R) (2015).Y. Hadad, D. L. Sounas, and A. Alu`, "Space-time gradient metasurfaces," Phys. Rev. B, vol. 92, no. 10, p. 100304, Sept. 2015.Y. Hadad, D. L. Sounas, and A. Alu, "Space-time gradient metasurfaces,...
Metasurfaces characterized by a transverse gradient of local impedance have recently opened exciting directions for light manipulation at the nanoscale. Here we add a temporal gradient to the picture, showing that spatio-temporal variations over a surface may largely extend the degree of light manipulat...
Time-varying metasurfaces and Lorentz non-reciprocity. Opt. Mater. Express 5, 2459 (2015). Google Scholar Hadad, Y., Sounas, D. L. & Alu, A. Space–time gradient metasurfaces. Phys. Rev. B 92, 100304(R) (2015). Google Scholar Taravati, S. & Eleftheriades, G. V. Generalized...
The spatiotemporal phase modulation greatly expands the functions of conventional static phase gradient metasurfaces, providing an additional degree of freedom for manipulating the temporal properties of light and achieving nonreciprocal light propagation. Particularly, we achieved in our experiment a 2.8-...
proposed the concept of space–time gradient metasurface [93]. By controlling different spatial positions on the metasurface to switch periodically or non-periodically “on” and “off” in the time domain, this device provides rich degrees of freedom for the flexible manipulation of the beam. On...
Light reflected by the space-time metasurface acquires a momentum shift induced by the spatial phase gradient as well as a frequency shift arisen from the temporal modulation. It exhibits asymmetric photonic conversions between forward and backward reflections. In addition, by exploiting unidirectiona...
The functionalities of the metasurface can be dynamically controlled in real-time by adjusting the chemical potential of graphene. This real-time manipulation of the full-space occurs within the same frequency band and polarization, offering versatile and instantaneous control over the metasurface’s ...
Temporal modulation with tailored waveforms enables the design of a spectrum of sidebands. By impressing a spatial phase gradient on the metasurface, we can diffract selected combinations of sideband frequencies. Combining active temporal and spatial variation can enable unique optical functions, such as...
Space–time-coding digital metasurfaces can, in particular, manipulate the propagation direction and harmonic power distribution of electromagnetic waves, making them suitable for space- and frequency-division multiplexing. However, while digital metasurfaces have been used for wireless communication, these...
Correas-Serrano, D. et al. Nonreciprocal graphene devices and antennas based on spatiotemporal modulation. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 15, 1529–1532 (2015). Article ADS Google Scholar Hadad, Y., Sounas, D. L. & Alu, A. Space-time gradient metasurfaces. Phys. Rev. B 92, 100...