Two new maps were added to the game. Plasma, a medium population station, is a unique map that features plasma pools, a lot of asteroid rocks, and unusual hallway designs not... Update Vlog 95 - (Plasma Station, Elkridge Station, QoL Improvements) ...
Two new maps were added to the game. Plasma, a medium population station, is a unique map that features plasma pools, a lot of asteroid rocks, and unusual hallway designs not found in other stations. In theme with the map, the TEG is the primary power method of the station. The ...
卫星遥感高精地图 high-accuracy maps using remote-sensing data 北斗兼容型芯片 chips compatible with the BeiDou system 外太空 06 外太空 国际空间站 International Space Station中国空间站 Chinese Space Station载人空间站 manned space station...
The International Space Station sees the total solar eclipse from space The moon's shadow on Earth as seen from the International Space Station(Image credit: NASA) The astronauts at the International Space Station (ISS) had a unique view of the total solar eclipse. As totality arrived over Hou...
Space radiation consists of energetic protons and other heavier ions. During the International Space Station program, chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes of astronauts have been analyzed to estimate received biological doses of space radiation. More sp
In the last two decades, significant instrumentation development by ESA and NASA (e.g., in advanced light microscopy on the International Space Station (ISS)27) has enabled studies, e.g., of colloidal soft matter28, granular matter29,30and complex plasma31in microgravity. Nonetheless, active ...
Monitoring the adaptation of microorganisms to the extreme environment of the International Space Station (ISS) is crucial to understanding microbial evolution and infection prevention. Acinetobacter pittii is an opportunistic nosocomial pathogen, primar
Sun, X., Shen, W.-B., Shen, Z., Cai, C., Xu, W., et al.: Test of gravitational redshift based on tri-frequency combination of frequency links between Atomic Clock Ensemble in Space and a ground station, EGU General Assembly 2020. 22, EGU2020-2349 (2020) Teunissen, P.J.G., ...
Imagery from the International Space Station is complementary to data collected from traditional remote sensing platforms. The ISS orbits the Earth every 90-minutes and about 16 times a day. It travels in low Earth orbit at a vantage point about 240 miles (400 kilometers) above Earth's surface...
Our analysis confirms that ocean currents (i.e., Lagrangian connectivities) significantly impact station similarities, as observed via the sole genomic observations35. We thus identified that stations in the same ocean or province belong to the same neighborhoods (higher connections between samples from...