This interaction with the heliosphere is under study by the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), a NASA satellite mapping the boundary between the Solar System and interstellar space. From the Wikipedia entry for LOCAL INTERSTELLAR CLOUD Contour Map of Local Insterstellar Cloud as seen from North ...
SATELLITE PERIOD: Resources IP2Location IP Geolocation Find your Magnetic Declination Space Station HD Live! Last Minute Stuff! Your current location Your IP address: Latitude:39.9075° Longitude:116.3971° Magnetic decl.:7° 30' W ...
The mission will launch a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging satellite for iQPS called QPS-SAR-9 (nicknamed “SUSANOO-I”). The spacecraft will join iQPS’ growing constellation to deliver frequent high-resolution Earth-imaging of specific locations around the globe. Rocket Launch SpaceX,...
SpaceX launches 21 Starlink satellite on new Falcon 9 rocket, aces nighttime landing By Tariq Malik, Josh Dinner published 3 hours ago A new SpaceX rocket launched a pristine batch of Starlink internet satellites into orbit late Wednesday (Feb. 26) in a dazzling nighttime liftoff. Launches ...
It is widely accepted that the moon was created when a rock the size of Mars slammed into the earth several billion years ago. The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite, but it is moving about an inch further away each year. ...
SpaceX will launch its first stack of Starlink broadband satellites since May from the East Coast Friday morning (Nov. 12) and you can watch the action live online. The private spaceflight company will launch a stack of 53 Starlink satellites on one of i
SpaceX is building a NASA craft to destroy the ISS after retiring Space SpaceX rolls out 'Starlink Mini' satellite internet antenna for $599 Space Boeing and NASA delay Starliner astronaut return to June 22 Trending Now 1 China retaliates with additional tariffs of up to 15% on some U.S....
Authoritative predictions of space junk and satellite re-entries Daily Sunspot Summaries from the NOAA Space Environment Center NOAA 27-Day Space Weather Forecasts fun to read, but should be taken with a grain of salt! Forecasts looking ahead more than a few days are often wrong. ...
The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite, but it is moving about an inch further away each year. It is known as "the moon" because people did not know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four orbiting the planet Jupiter in 1610. Many missions ha...
Under the federal space agency’s current road map, Starship would complete the final leg of a crewed mission to the moon, taking the astronauts from a spacecraft in lunar orbit and ferrying them to the surface. The United States is in a race with China, vying to become first to ...