名称: Space Rogue Classic 类型: 动作, 角色扮演, 模拟 开发商: ORIGIN Systems, Inc. 发行商: ORIGIN Systems, Inc., Nightdive Studios 发行日期: 1989 年 1 月 1 日 访问网站 查看快速参考 查看手册 查看更新记录 阅读相关新闻 查看讨论 查找社区组 嵌入 不支持简体中文 本产品尚未对您目前所在的地...
当时根本不知道还有手册这种东西,现在很多国外网站上都可以直接下载到。 Steam可能是为了照顾情怀吧,国区依然可以搜到这款游戏,加上现在夏日活动,仅需6人民币就能获得这款游戏(这是我第一次玩到用DOSBOX玩的游戏,之前学习汇编装了环境,省去一些麻烦,连个简单汇编程序都写不出来的我,看着眼前花里胡哨的图像,不禁流...
我仅知道这是罗伯茨的发家作,他是游戏的程序员。为后来《银河飞将》《自由枪骑兵》提供了基础。也是《星际公民》的太爷爷,游戏中Origin"起源" 飞船品牌厂商就是纪念这个。
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Of course, we know that in reality, Space is a dark and bleak environment. However, EVERSPACE is not meant to be a realistic space sim. It is a fast-paced shooter set in a fantasy-style universe with vibrant colors and spectacular visual effects. We want you to experience Space as some...
This content is locked Description The sci-fi survival horror classic Dead Space™ returns, completely rebuilt from the ground up to offer a deeper and more immersive experience. This remake brings jaw-dropping visual fidelity, suspenseful atmospheric audio, and improvements to gameplay while staying...
Warner Bros. has debuted their 2010 picture preview giving us our first look at select films out of the 23 features they have set for the new year. I have added new images from the likes ofThe Book of ElistarringDenzel Washington,Edge of DarknesswithMel Gibson, our first look atSex and...
Within the grander Star Wars timeline, this spin-off sits five years before the events of Rogue One (which leads immediately into 1977’s A New Hope). Unfortunately, for Andor fans, and Luna himself, season 2 will mark the end of the show. Speaking to Deadline, Luna said: “I can ...
EVERSPACE delivers a pulse-pounding, rogue-like space shooter experience that combines stunning visuals with adrenaline-fueled action. Players navigate their way through an array of vibrant and hazardous environments, upgrading their spacecraft with powerful new weapons and gear as they progress. By ut...