Fiedler, "Application of Semi-analytical Satellite Theory orbit propagator to orbit determination for space object cat- alog maintenance," p. 2218 to 2233, March 2016.Setty, S. J., Cefola, P. J., Montenbruck, O., and Fiedlerd, H., "Application of Semi-analytical Satellite Theory orbit...
ISO/TR11233:2014ENSpacesystems—Orbitdeterminationandestimation—Processfordescribingtechniques是国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的一份技术报告,专门用于描述空间系统的轨道确定和估计技术。 该标准提供了描述轨道确定和估计技术的基本过程,包括以下主要步骤: 1.数据收集:收集有关卫星或其他空间物体位置和速度的数据,这些数据...
At present, the real orbit of a space object can’t help replacing by the estimated orbit, however, in this process the measuring error, model error, and some other factors will unavoidably lead to the errors in the orbit determination and orbit prediction. To obtain the orbit error ...
(Fig.5a). The importance of sensors corresponding to a large field of view becomes clear immediately. Due to the large offsets of the TLE predictions with respect to the true orbit the object appears in the outer regions of the sensor. On the smaller ASI 120 sensor it would have been ...
This paper presents a new method, based on a multiple-model adaptive estimation approach, to determine the most probable shape of a spacecraft in orbit among a number of candidate shape models while simultaneously recovering the observed resident space object's inertial orientation and trajectory. Mu...
It is known that the dynamical orbit determination is the most common way to get the precise orbit of spacecraft.However,it is hard to describe the precise orbit of spacecraft sometimes.In order to solve this problem,the technique of the orbit determination with the B spline approximation metho...
The Sun’s relative dynamics depends only on the initial epoch; instead, the spacecraft-object relative dynamics is directly influenced by the actions taken by the agent. The spacecraft and the target object orbit around the Earth in orbits that may be eccentric. Two main assumptions are ...
are based on a thought experiment of Penrose, in which it was argued that a massive object placed in a superposition should quickly decohere in the position basis due to the inherent uncertainty induced in the space-time metric. By contract, the event operator formalism motivating the Space ...
(m) is calculated from the diameter of the craters, assuming that an impactor is a spherical object having a density of 3 g cm−3and that the ratio of the crater diameterDto the impactor diameterd(D/d) is assumed to be 1.60 based on laboratory impact experiments63,64. For ...
This paper investigates the orbit determination problem for fuel station (FS) in multiple Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) spacecrafts refueling mission. A novel K-M-N transportation network to solve this general refueling problem is proposed, which contains several FSs with their reusable servicing space...