It is jam-packed with communication satellites like sardines in a can. This orbit is affected by the outer Van Allen radiation belt. High Earth Orbit (HEO): anything with an apogee higher than 35,786 kilometers. If the perigee is less than 2,000 km it is called a "highly elliptical ...
SHOCKER) has his hands full already trying to solve these mysteries and also deal with his college bound son, Pete on his own. John also clips his toenails at
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Dead Space's Isaac Clarke has popped up in some unlikely places over the years: when he's not been cutting up monsters on mining ships you might've spotted him on the links in Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, running the floor in NBA Jam: On Fire Edition or grinding rails in Skate 3. Thes...
Anime “basics” are jam-packed in this world. It is a work that can certainly be enjoyed even if you haven’t seen the previous version at all. Of course, the SF action and the individual characters are really attractive, and I think you will also enjoy the deep “group story.” Add...
I didn't go to the theatre bit as it was just a documentary with clips I'd seen before, however, the exit to the theatre takes you out to a back corridor and access to the whole 1969 moon landing section and said piece of moon rock. Very easy to miss! I also had ho...
Leave the laptop behind, jam with your other gear, and create beats in minutes with a wealth of on-board sounds, instruments, and effects. It’s the iconic Maschine workflow, with fewer strings attached. Standalone means more focus, more freedom, and more music making. Plug in, power up...
Close encounters with creative chemical thinking: An outreach presentation using movie clips about the elemental composition of aliens and extraterrestrial... To introduce more chemistry into a middle and high school bioengineering camp experience, we developed an educational and entertaining presentation tha...
SAREXShuttle Amateur Radio Experiment) on Spacelab-2 aboard the shuttle Challenger succeeded not only in voice communications with the ground but also in slow-scan TV. SAREX is now often included on shuttle flights. Mir. at least one FUNcube Dongle Software Defined Radio. This small device conne...
2" wide 3M blue painter's tape (don't substitute) Stick three bands of painter's tape to the glass sheet with the adjoining edges in a tight butt joint. Trim the tape at the edges of the glass using a flat file. Attach the glass sheet to the bed heater using the binder clips. St...