As shown in figure, two spaces need to be added around inline equation. However, only the second space was correctly added correctly. The minimum working example is, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ctex} \usepackage{markdown} \markdo...
\qquad \label{1} \end{equation} 效果(注意CSDN不严格支持latex,所以网页上可能显示不出来 :-( 公式中的大括号 C=\left\{ \begin{array}{lr} \frac{1}{2} \quad (x=0) \\ \\1\quad (x \ne0) \end{array} \right 对齐方式 以等号对齐 \begin{align*} 1 + 2&=3-1+1-1+1\\ 1*2*3...
设置编辑器,查看 选项-》设置-》构建-》默认编辑器-》XeLaTex 确保Latex 源文件为 UTF-8 格式,才能支持中文,选项在 Texstudio 编辑器右下角 导入中文宏包,\usepackage{ctex} 查看各类相关文档texdoc xxx texdoc ctex texdoc lshort-zh,这份资料是 Latex 中文的入门教程,很不错 3. 字体设置 在Latex 中,一个...
Wiki Article Formatted math in wiki/latex math. Curvature Notes... This is also a how-to/explanation of earlier demos(1-3). Some(dirty) notes on development of the system; this is fairly old, while I was still trying to get rotations in the raw rotation space instead of the modulated...
NASA’s Space Transportation System (STS) used fire-retardant latex paint to protect the space shuttle’s external tank from ultraviolet radiation for its first two missions (STS-1 and STS-2). Reaction-cured glass (RCG) is a coating applied on silica-based tiles used for thermal protection ...
3.参考文献之Biber(BibLaTeX) 十三、 自定义命令和环境 一、texlive2018环境安装 关掉杀毒软件,1以管理员模式运行下面这个.bat文件 漫长的安装过程(我装在了SSD,大概用了40多分钟) 查看tex版本(TeX:一种宏语言。) 查看latex版本(LaTex: Tex中的一个宏集合) 查看xelatex版本(XeLaTeX是新的Unicode版本,内建...
Methods: A prospective comparison of screening modalities was performed in a metropolitan teaching ED. Ambulatory patients evaluated for PE underwent simultaneous end-tidal CO2 and arterial blood gas determinations, as well as venous latex-agglutination D-dimer quantification. The modified Bohr equation ...
The space elevator minimum initial speed is calculated using the equation v = sqrt(GM/R), where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the Earth, and R is the distance from the center of the Earth to the desired orbit. This equation takes into account the gravitational pull ...
We conducted a numerical simulation to solve the dielectrophoretic force distribution and the equation of motion of the particles to understand the relationship between the force and the particle motion in the boxcar-electrode region. We measured the velocity and position of the micro-particles flowing...
The representation of wave-vector groups at points, lines, and planes of symmetry, in the first Brillouin zone of FeS<SUB>2</SUB>(group T<IMG src="