At the beginning of the game you are a pilot of a small ship. Financial struggle forces you to start transporting contraband. Certainly, it will lead to you being in trouble with the law someday. But at some point in your life you are forced to make a deal with the authorities of the...
Starsector, originally named Starfarer, is an absolutely brilliant top-down 2D open-world space game that's been going for years and a huge new release is finally out. The gameplay carefully mixes together RPG mechanics, open-world exploration, tactical and exciting space combat with...
genuine and lasting Agile adoption or introduce any kind of change in any kind of organization. It works with what you are currently doing, and can be added at any time. It incorporates the power of invitation, iteration, Open Space, game mechanics, passage rites, storytelling...
"The China Space Station (CSS) belongs not only to China, but also to the world," said Shi Zhongjun, China's Ambassador to UN and other international organizations in Vienna. "Through the vehicle of the CSS, we would like to build a model of sincere mutual beneficial cooperation among cou...
If you're not an astrophotographer, many of the tools in Photopills may be overkill, but if you're serious about night sky photography and like the idea of being able to plan your shoots well in advance, this is a game-changing app. Read our full PhotoPills review Download PhotoPills for...
A first-person open world game about exploring a small solar system full of weird planets and odd cosmic phenomena. The catch? You're trapped in a time loop, giving you just 20 minutes to explore at a time. Outer Wilds is reminiscent of games such as Her Story and Obra Dinn in the ...
Bid to become the absolute galactic imperator in this epic, sci-fi real-time strategy multiplayer saga. Download ASTROKINGS to experience MMO space games on a universal scale! Immerse yourself in the game story written by New York Times sci-fi authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff of the Illum...
Join us in our Year in Review 2021 focused on the most popular domains-websites. We will show how NASA and SpaceX flew higher, on e-commerce Amazon and Taobao ruled and how TikTok ‘danced’ to take the crown from Facebook on social media. And how a Myan
About this game: SpaceEngine is a 1:1 scale science-based Universe simulator, featuring billions upon billions of galaxies, nebulae, stars, and planets, all shown at their full real-world scale. Explore Earth and our neighboring worlds in the Solar System, orbit a black hole in a galaxy bi...
If you are looking for a whole new challenge and wish to be part of one of the most vibrant MMO space game communities the world has ever seen, look no further. Join EVE Online, and weave yourself into the wondrous fabric of its history. ...