Spaceflight, flight beyond Earth’s atmosphere. This article deals with the basic concepts associated with the launch and return of unmanned and manned spacecraft and their travel, navigation, and rendezvous and docking in space. For the development of s
In case you've been living under an asteroid, the real Space Force is a new branch of the Armed Forces dedicated to, er, space. According to Popular Mechanics, Netflix began submitting applications for 'Space Force' in January 2019, long before the US Department of Defence. As a result,...
Logo No. 2:This one features a dark blue orb with an unbalanced lighter rim. You can see a rocket with an inverted flame icon (meant to look like the rocket flare) and a tilted orbit with stars and text in between. As odd as it sounds, it seems like thevintage style logodates back...
Space exploration, investigation, by means of crewed and uncrewed spacecraft, of the reaches of the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere and the use of the information so gained to increase knowledge of the cosmos and benefit humanity. Learn more about sp
President Donald Trump on Friday (Jan. 24) officially unveiled the logo for the U.S. Space Force and the reaction has been strong. It might just be because the logo, which draws on its Air Force legacy, bears a striking similarity to a "Star Trek" insign
Space Force officer ranks The Department of Defenseforwarded a Space Force proposal to Congress, on March 1, 2019, calling for a service that would fall under the Air Force in the same way the Marine Corps falls under the Department of the Navy. The proposal also included the designation of...
Airbus has not only ‘given birth’ to Airbus aircraft, it is also the European - and, moreover, French - champion of space.
s newest Armed Forces branch will establish Space Systems Command at the L.A. Air Force Base and Missile Systems Center (LA-AFB) in the coastal city of El Segundo. Space Systems Command, one of three commands within the Space Force, will officially stand up this summer after a commander ...
zero gravity sleep has been uncomfortable for astronauts due to a lack of standardized and consistent restraint systems during weightless sleep and a deficit in the distributed gravity forces humans are accustomed to on Earth. Vast’s patent-pending signature sleep system is roughly the size of a ...
The United States Space Force is the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces, whose mission is to lead space-related military operations within the U.S. Department of Defense.