Launched on June 25, 2019, the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate’s Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) spacecraft will conduct applied research designed to boost the Department of Defense’s (DoD) capability to operate in the harsh radiation environment of medium-Earth...
由美国航空航天公司(Aerospace Corp.)、美国空军实验室(Air Force Research Laboratory)、美国太空军太空系统司令部(Space Force’s Space Systems Command)联合测试该项目。被称为世界上首个太空黑客沙盒(hacking sandbox),它就像一个网络堡垒,为专业黑客/网络安全专家提供空间和工具,进行网络入侵训练和测试新技术,用于...
Parnell GS, Burk RC, Schulman A, Westphal D, Kwan L, Blackhurst J, Verret P, Karasopoulos H (2004) Air Force Research Laboratory space technology value model: creating capabilities for future customers. Mil Oper Res 9(1):5–18Parnell GS, Burk RC, Schulman A, Westphal D...
SpaceIL 总裁 Morris Kahn 此前表示,“这次任务是全世界人民的灵感之源。我们期待着创造历史,看着以色列国旗在月球上加入(苏联)俄罗斯、中国和美国的行列。” 此次发射的载荷除了 Beresheet 之外,还有印度尼西亚的 Nusantara Satu(PSN-6) 通讯卫星和美国空军研究实验室(U.S Air Force Research Laboratory)的 S5 小卫...
摘要: The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate is actively pursuing cryocooler and cryogenic integration research to support technology needs for the Air Force, the Missile...关键词: Space environment DOI: 10.1007/0-306-47919-2_2 被引量: 2 ...
Reentry refers to the return of a spacecraft into Earth’s atmosphere. The blanket of relatively dense gas surrounding Earth is useful as a braking, or retarding, force resulting from aerodynamic drag. Aconcomitanteffect, however, is the severe heating caused by the compression of atmospheric air...
WASHINGTON – The Air Force Research Laboratory and Northrop Grumman have successfully converted solar energy to radio frequency, an essential first step toward a future satellite system that could beam energy from space to soldiers on the ground. ...
At the Space Vehicles Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory we are interested in the use of detectors in space for surveillance and situational awareness missions. Our primary interests are in observations of objects both on earth and in space, each of which has very different backgroun...
SSPIDR is a series of integrated demonstrations and technology maturation efforts at the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate to develop space-based solar power collection and transmission capabilities. Space solar power beaming is not a new concept; yet until recently, the...
(Astronautics) a manned or unmanned vehicle designed to orbit the earth or travel to celestial objects for the purpose of research, exploration, etc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 20...