This past year, engineers launched many oddities into space, including a Tesla Roadster, a gold-plated canopic jar and a cosmic disco ball. The total list of launched objects is lengthy, so here are the top 10 coolest objects (in our opinion) that blasted spaceward in 2018. Tesla Roadster...
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The artillerymen, the infantry in the trenches, the engineers—all had various complimentary terms addressed to them too. They were “heroic,” they were “brave,” and so forth. But there was a conspicuous absence of the word “gallant” in descriptions of them. There was a reason for th...
4.Theengineersworkedtirelesslytofigureouthowtoovercomethetechnicalissuestheyencountered,soastokeepthespacecraftoperationalandcontinuethespaceexplorationmission. 5.Asaresultofthesuccessfullaunch,thespacecraftwasabletoleaveEarthsatmosphereandembarkonitsjourneytoexplorethevastexpanseofthesolarsystem. ...
From the highly specialized vocabulary used by scientists and engineers to the powerful imagery invoked in popular culture, the English language has played – and will continue to play – a fundamental role in defining and communicating the ongoing journey of humanity into the vast ...
the cosmos the solar sys... the galaxy the universe outer space outer space duration span stretch while time period aperture cavity gulf interval opening gap elbowroom spaciousness amplitude leeway expanse room space Collins Roget's WordNet
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Altius is comprised of a talented team of engineers, physicists, roboticists, and space entrepreneurs, working together to design, manufacture, and test game-changing technologies for satellite, launch vehicle, and space facility customers. Acquired in January 2020. Timeline July 2023 Voyager ...
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