“Overall, the workflow has certainly removed a lot of personal stress around data management and collaboration,” he concluded. “A few years ago, we moved from Cape Canaveral to Texas near Starbase to cover the development of the Starship program full time. As a creator, it really...
grids, buttons, TextFields, and other various assets. Once this is done, the engineers will hook these components up to the game data and get it presented diegetically in the game world. The team is also supporting the player interaction ...
Space Engineers - Space Engineers is a voxel-based sandbox game set in an asteroid field in space. Terasology - Voxel world game engine inspired by Minecraft and others with fancy graphic effects and a heavy focus on extensibility. The Powder Toy - Falling-sand physics sandbox game.Strategy...
The script for Alien envisioned a future of space travel that has devolved into something much more familiar than cosmic swashbuckling, one where working stiffs ride the highways of deep space hauling around loads of resources, worrying about pay and bills and getting home to loved-ones. This wa...
Comments: 这几点在已经不那么新的研究领域(比如P2P)里面特别突出。一些较新的研究方向(比如传感器网络)也离此不远。像云计算这样的巨系统和成熟方向更是一个业界统治的领域。感觉文中这三个趋势是学术界在业界的压迫下自寻出路的结果。系统开发需要很大的人力、资金。学术界的小作坊在这些方面很欠缺,尤其是项目管理...