中文:太空机构正在研究如何在火星上建立人类殖民地。 英文:Space agencies are studying how to establish human colonies on Mars. 中文:这家私人太空机构成功地将一颗小型卫星送入了轨道。 英文:The private space agency successfully put a small satellite into orbit. 英文同义表达: Ae...
"Some money has to be spent on establishing a base on Mars. It's about getting the basic fundamentals in place," Musk said. "That was true of the English colonies [in the Americas]; it took a significant expense to get things started. But once there are regular Mars flights, you can...
And in case you were wondering if this is going to be a vacation jaunt, Musk explains, “It’s not going to be a vacation jaunt. It’s going to be saving up all your money and selling all your stuff, like when people moved to the early American colonies.”1 But he also points to...
One such skeptic is former President Barack Obama, who at the Paris POwR.Earth Summit in March criticized efforts by billionaires like Musk and Bezos to plant human colonies on Mars as a means to escape environmental degradation on Earth, even though the Red Planet has no breathable atmosph...
Of course, one of the most iconic aspects of space travel is the idea of humans living on other planets. While this may still be a distant dream for now, many believe that it is only a matter of time before humans establish colonies on Mars or beyond. This idea of becoming a multi-...
His outline of 2069 – centenary events from ‘First Footprint Sanctuary’ at Tranquility Base, and colonies on Mars whose residents have never walked the Earth – is resoundingly optimistic, but still tainted by a dark thread of gloom. However, after reading this book you will be left with...
Red Planet Day is not just a commemoration of past achievements, but a reminder of the limitless possibilities ahead. From the first blurry images sent byMariner 4to the potential of human colonies on Mars, the exploration of the Red Planet continues to captivate our imaginations and fuel our ...
Martian colonies will have to be highly inventive and invention only thrives under freedom. I believe a Mars colony will also require a great deal of social solidarity, so it will not be multi-cultural and will need to have a strong sense of community and common identity. In my life I ...
MarsColonies Where it all started... on Mars. It's really fun, isn't it Colonizing Mars... it's a fun idea. Provided there's enough Oxygen, Food, Power... no Pirates... etc... Well, it sounds really fun... Roots Mars Colonies was created as a hommage to old RTS games such...
… Once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. Princeton professor J. Richard Gott:14 In 1970 everyone figured we’d have humans on Mars by now, but we haven’t taken the opportunity. We should do it soon, because colonizing other worlds ...