"Some money has to be spent on establishing a base on Mars. It's about getting the basic fundamentals in place," Musk said. "That was true of the English colonies [in the Americas]; it took a significant expense to get things started. But once there are regular Mars flights, you can...
And in case you were wondering if this is going to be a vacation jaunt, Musk explains, “It’s not going to be a vacation jaunt. It’s going to be saving up all your money and selling all your stuff, like when people moved to the early American colonies.”1 But he also points to...
"Multiverse 5D" 38 years in colonies and space programs on Mars (Podcast Episode 2023) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Whitehouse’s simple style draws on his own childhood aspirations and it is not hard to discern simmering frustrations as he ponders our lack of progress since 1969. His outline of 2069 – centenary events from ‘First Footprint Sanctuary’ at Tranquility Base, and colonies on Mars whose resid...
… Once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be safe. Princeton professor J. Richard Gott:14 In 1970 everyone figured we’d have humans on Mars by now, but we haven’t taken the opportunity. We should do it soon, because colonizing other worlds ...
The image of an ideal community on Mars was not accidental; leading ecologists in the 1970s were investigating how to construct colonies on Mars and how this research was relevant to understanding ecosystems on Earth. In 1975, Edward O. Wilson, for one, advised readers of his Sociobiolog...
When the ITS is really up and running, 1,000 or more of the ships will zoom off to Mars every 26 months. "The Mars colonial fleet would depart en masse," Musk said. This fleet would land on Mars using "supersonic retropropulsion," slowing down enough to touch down softly by firing ...
space colonies… [structures in free space rather than on a planet or moon], which could house millions. These colonies would be positioned to construct massive solar power satellites to provide clean power to the Earth, as well as set up industries that on Earth create much environmental ...
"Some money has to be spent on establishing a base on Mars. It’s about getting the basic fundamentals in place," Musk said. "That was true of the English colonies [in the Americas]; it took a significant expense to get things started. But once there are regular Mars flights, you can...
anomalies with several other AI colonies backed by rival sponsors attempting to become this planet’s superpower. You can trade with, respond to distress calls for, issue distress calls to, and even steal important colonists from these competitor colonies as you establish your territory on Mars. ...