space physics【航】 空间物理(学)文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: An actively maintained collection of space physics links.中文: 英语资源按…检索的:物理学,空气与空间.英文: His father is a physicist; he is doing his research(es) in space physics.中文: 他的父亲是物理学家,他在...
英文: Study on Protein Unfolding Character Under Physical Property Space中文: 蛋白质去折叠特性的物理特性空间分析 英文: [z6] Has a new modality of space and time arisen, different from physical space-time?中文: 出现了有别于物理时空的,某种新的时空形态吗?
波波动是物质运动的重要形式,广泛存在于自然界。被传递的物理量扰动或振动有多种形式,机械振动的传递构成机械波 ,电磁场振动的传递构成电磁波(包括光波),温度变化的传递构成温度波(见液态氦),晶体点阵振动的传递构成点阵波(见点阵动力学),自旋磁矩的扰动在铁磁体内传播时形成自旋波(见固体物理学...
class size reduction makes a difference for student learning. Smaller classes make certain things possible— but those things are also linked to curricular mandates, educator beliefs, physical space,and the dynamics of classroom practice. 我们使用这些例子建议什么通过类尺寸减小牌子做一个区别为学生学会。
Earth physically disabled when he experienced eight rounds of weightlessness in what he saw as the first step in a personal goal to travel in space 举世闻名物理学家斯蒂芬Hawking采取了一个“大的飞跃“为完全失去能力的地球,当他在什么体验了失重八个回合他在空间在一个个人目标看见,当第一步旅行[...
First, must make clear any is “the big memory” the disposition. Initially designed Windows to use hypothesized memory itself was because the physical memory was very expensive, all could not surpass the 128MB capacity generally, needed the hard disk space to make the temporary cushion - - in...
英文: An actively maintained collection of space physics links.中文: 英语资源按…检索的:物理学,空气与空间.英文: The solar wind has its own magnetic field, which travels with the outflowing plasma into interplanetary space.中文: 太阳风有它自己的磁场,这个磁场会随著外流的太阳风电浆一起流入星际...
英文: Space Adventures and Russia's Space Agency, which is eager to attract extra funds, have sent two tourists into space -- U.S. businessman Dennis Tito and South African Mark Shuttleworth -- on week-long trips.中文: 太空探险公司和渴望吸引更多资金的俄罗斯航天局已将两名旅行者成功送入太空...
grounded in their real, lived experiences that are both subjective and social. These experiences happen simultaneously with changing physical conditions, such as lighting, and changing time-space relati 设计内部空间也要求对发生了什么的理解,当人们有时的空间经验在是主观和社会的他们真正,居住的经验被着陆...