In SQL Server, this column represents the name of the database user who created the table. This field always returns a value. TABLE_NAME sysname Table name. This field always returns a value. TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) Table, system table, or view. REMARKS varchar(254) SQL Server doesn't ...
Table owner name. In SQL Server, this column represents the name of the database user who created the table. This field always returns a value. TABLE_NAME sysname Table name. This field always returns a value. TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) ...
TABLE_SCHEMsysnameTable owner name. In SQL Server, this column represents the name of the database user who created the table. This field always returns a value. TABLE_NAMEsysnameTable name. This field always returns a value. TABLE_TYPEvarchar(32)Table, system table, or view. ...
sql server 脚本 转载 码海无压 8月前 67阅读 cmd的数据库showtables报错数据库cmd命令 1.在DOS下进入目录mysql\bin C: \Users\Adninistrator>D: D:>cd D:\mysql-5.7.22-win32\bin2.然后输入以下命令来操纵数据库:2.1 连接数据库D:\mysql-5.7.22-win32\bin>mysql -h localhost -u root -p1234562.2...
In SQL Server, this column represents the name of the database user who created the table. This field always returns a value. TABLE_NAME sysname Table name. This field always returns a value. TABLE_TYPE varchar(32) Table, system table, or view. REMARKS varchar(254) SQL Server does not ...
Thesp_renameis a stored procedure which helps to rename tables in SQL Server and the usage syntax will be like the below: 1 sp_rename'old_table_name','new_table_name' The result outputs of this procedure might be 0 or non-zero values. 0 value indicates that the procedure execution succ...
SQL Copy上述示例中,我们使用 NOT IN 子句来排除名为 ‘customer’ 和‘order’ 的表。注意事项在使用 sp_msforeachtable 过程时,需要注意以下几点:sp_msforeachtable 是一个系统存储过程,只能在 master 数据库下的 sys schema 中使用。 由于该过程会对数据库中的每个表执行操作,因此在执行过程中可能会影响性...
28data=sum(casewhenindidin(0,1)thendpages 29 whenindid=255thenused 30 else0 31 end)*@pagesize/1024, 32indexp=sum(casewhenindidin(0,1,255) 33 thenused 34 else0 35 end)*@pagesize/1024, 36unused=sum(casewhenindidin(0,1,255) ...
table_namesysnameName of the object or base table. In SQL Server, server cursors always return the user-specified object, not the base tables. optimizer_hintsmallintBitmap that is made up of one or more of the following options: 1 = Row-level locking (ROWLOCK) ...
sp_MSforeachtable is a stored procedure that is mostly used to apply a T-SQL command to every table, iteratively, that exists in the current database.