sp_helpuser 不會傳回 SQL Server 2005 (9.x) 和更新版本中引進的安全性實體相關信息。 請改用 sys.database_principals。Transact-SQL 語法慣例語法syntaxsql 複製 sp_helpuser [ [ @name_in_db = ] N'name_in_db' ] [ ; ] 引數[ @name_in_db = ] N'name_in_db'目前資料庫中的資料庫用戶...
I've been getting quite a few emails pretty much asking the same thing on building SPUserUtil, so I thought I would post this entry to help clarify the subject. I'll also ensure the SPUserUtil documentation is updated in the next release to help specifically call this out.The...
Remove-SPUser operation hangs and brings the whole web application down. Need troubleshooting help ! Hi Eeveryone, Facing a unique issue here. SP 2013 Farm Version: 15.0.4649.1000 I tried to export and import a document library including security. While importing the process just hangs a...
过程 打开IBM Support PortalWeb 站点。 关闭浏览产品窗口。 在“常用支持链接”部分中,单击。 单击立即注册。 完成IBM 标识注册表单。 注:在表单中指定的电子邮件地址为用户名或 IBM 标识。 单击继续。 完成用户信息表单。 单击提交。将显示确认页面以验证注册完成。
Using Online Help Figure 7-1identifies the components of a user interface window in Administrator. The components are similar in Tracker. Figure 7-1 User Interface Types of Windows In Administrator and Tracker, clicking the icons on the bar on the left side displays the primary windows you use...
您可能需要更改站点首选项所在的对象库(例如,在开发和测试期之后)。 要将首选项文件从一个对象库移至另一个对象库,请完成下列步骤: 在“站点首选项”中,单击引导程序。 在首选项设置:对象库位置下拉列表中,选择所需的对象库。 注:要运行客户机应用程序,最终用户必须拥有访问此对象库的权限。
Hyppigt stillede spørgsmål Hvordan partitioner jeg lagerdrevet? Sehttps://support.lenovo.com/solutions/ht503851. Hvad skal jeg gøre, hvis computeren ikke reagerer? Tryk på afbryderen, og hold den nede, indtil computeren slukkes. Genstart derefter computeren....
Přejmenujte zařízení pomocí nabídky Akce v aplikaci Portál společnosti.Otevřete aplikaci Portál společnosti a přejděte na Zařízení. Vyberte zařízení, které chcete přejmenovat. Vyberte Akce>Přejmenovat. Zadejte nový název a vyberte Přejmenovat. Název ...
sp_enclave_send_keys sp_external_policy_refresh sp_grantdbaccess sp_grantlogin sp_generate_database_ledger_digest sp_helpdbfixedrole sp_helplinkedsrvlogin sp_helplogins sp_helpntgroup sp_helpremotelogin sp_helprole sp_helprolemember sp_helprotect sp_helpsrvrole sp_helpsrvrolemember sp_helpuser sp...
I've been getting quite a few emails pretty much asking the same thing on building SPUserUtil, so I thought I would post this entry to help clarify the subject. I'll also ensure the SPUserUtil documentation is updated in the next release to help specifically call this out. ...