首先创建数据表 IFobject_id('TestTable')ISNOTNULLDROPTABLETestTableGOCREATETABLETestTable(idINTIDENTITY(1,1),InfoVARCHAR(10))GOINSERTTestTableSELECT'a'UNIONALLSELECT'b'GO 然后依次执行以下三个脚本 脚本一: EXEC('SELECT * INTO #temp FROM TestTable') SELECT * FROM #temp 脚本二: exec SP_EXECUT...
execSP_EXECUTESQLN'SELECT * INTO #temp FROM TestTable'SELECT*FROM#temp 执行后会报如下错误 代码语言:javascript 复制 消息208,级别16,状态0,第37行 对象名'#temp'无效。 在ssms中调试,执行到该动态SQL语句时 会出现异常“未将对象设置引用到对象实例” 这是由于临时表只存在于动态sql这个作用域内,也就是...
sp_executesql can leverage cached query plans. The TSQL string is built only one time, after that every time same query is called with sp_executesql, SQL Server retrieves the query plan from cache and reuses it Temp tables created in EXEC can not use temp table caching mechanismLet...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8040105/execute-sp-executesql-for-select-into-table-but-cant-select-out-temp-table-d 问题: Was trying to select...into a temp Table #TempTable in sp_Executedsql. Not its successfully inserted or not but there Messages there written (359 ro...
sp_executesql- creates its own session(maybe word "scope" would be better) so that's why it happens. 可以识别的临时表 如果是在存储过程内部 select into #TempTable 那么这个是可以在拼接的sql中识别的。 上面的例子无法识别,是因为那里的#TempTable是单独执行的,并不属于存储过程...
Copy table from one server to another Copy table Structure including primary keys, index etc. Copy tables with all constraints Correct way to run multiple sql scripts from one 'master' script? with logs etc. Could #TempTable within SP cause lock on tempdb? Could not complete cursor operation...
SETSTATISTICSIOONSETSTATISTICSTIMEON--EXEC (SQL)DECLARE@TotalcountINT,@SQLNVARCHAR(100)CREATETABLE#temp(TotalcountINT)SELECT@SQL='Insert into #temp Select Count(*) from dbo.TestDynamicSQL'EXEC(@SQL)SELECT@Totalcount=TotalcountFROM#tempSELECT@TotalcountASTotalcountDROPTABLE#tempGO--sp_executesqlDECLA...
As Naomi indicated, you can use a #TEMP table -just not a table variable.(I've corrected the typos in Naomi's code example below...) CREATE table #T ( ID INT, NAME VARCHAR(10) ); INSERT INTO #t VALUES ( 1, 'A' ), ( 2, 'A' ), ( 3, 'A' ); DECLARE @ID VARCHAR(...
SELECT@SQL='Insert into #temp Select Count(*) from dbo.TestDynamicSQL' EXEC( @SQL) SELECT@Totalcount = Totalcount FROM#temp SELECT@TotalcountASTotalcount DROPTABLE#temp GO --sp_executesql DECLARE@TableCountINT, @SQLNVARCHAR(100) SELECT@SQL= N'SELECT @InnerTableCount = COUNT(*) FROM dbo...
我的表变量: declare @MemberCoverageIds table (CoverageId ID_t) insert into @MemberCoverageIds( CoverageId) select MemberCoverageId from MemberCoverages where MemberNumber = @FulfillmentEntityIdentifier 浏览30提问于2020-07-21得票数 1 回答已采纳 2回答 带有存储过程和表变量的动态sql查询 、、 我想...