What is the training about?•The training is aimed at preparing organizations to handle cybersecurity incidents and minimise damage.It covers both,organizational and technical aspects,and it is based on IST Cybersecurity Incident handling guide (NIST.SP.800-61),as well as practical experience of ...
特别出版物800?61 修订版2 计算机安全 事件处理指南 美国国家标准技术研究院的建议 计算机安全事件处理指南 抽象的 计算机安全事件响应已成为信息技术(IT)计划的重要组成部分。由于有效执行事件响应是一项复杂的任务,因此建立成功的事件响应能力需要大量的规划和资源。本出版物帮助组织建立计算机安全事件响应能力并高效且有效...
NIST SP800-61 rev1.pdf NIST SP800-61 rev1.pdf评分: Computer security incident response has become an important component of information technology (IT) programs. Security-related threats have become not only more numerous and diverse but also more damaging and disruptive. New types of security-...
制造商型号:SPCM-800-61-FC 制造商: Excelitas Technologies 产品类别:Active 商品描述:PHOTON COUNTING MODULE 详细说明:- 定价(未税) 数量单价总价 12525 库存数量:0 可立即发货发货时间:国内(1~2天)最小起订:1 单价:¥25总价:¥25 联系客服
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The objective of this document is to provide test requirements and test assertions that could be used to validate the compliance/conformance of two PIV components: PIV middleware and PIV card application with the specification in NIST SP 800-73-3, Interfaces for Personal Identity Verification.收藏...